Alexander W Blocker
Alexander W Blocker
CTO and Chief Data Scientist at Foresite Labs
確認したメール アドレス: foresitelabs.com - ホームページ
Sensitive and specific multi-cancer detection and localization using methylation signatures in cell-free DNA
MC Liu, GR Oxnard, EA Klein, C Swanton, MV Seiden, MC Liu, ...
Annals of Oncology 31 (6), 745-759, 2020
High-intensity sequencing reveals the sources of plasma circulating cell-free DNA variants
P Razavi, BT Li, DN Brown, B Jung, E Hubbell, R Shen, W Abida, K Juluru, ...
Nature medicine 25 (12), 1928-1937, 2019
Bayes and big data: the consensus Monte Carlo algorithm
SL Scott, AW Blocker, FV Bonassi, H Chipman, E George, R McCulloch
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 11 (2), 2016
Ten simple rules for the care and feeding of scientific data
A Goodman, A Pepe, AW Blocker, CL Borgman, K Cranmer, M Crosas, ...
PLoS computational biology 10 (4), e1003542, 2014
Ultra-deep next-generation sequencing of plasma cell-free DNA in patients with advanced lung cancers: results from the Actionable Genome Consortium
BT Li, F Janku, B Jung, C Hou, K Madwani, R Alden, P Razavi, ...
Annals of Oncology 30 (4), 597-603, 2019
Quantifying neurologic disease using biosensor measurements in-clinic and in free-living settings in multiple sclerosis
T Chitnis, BI Glanz, C Gonzalez, BC Healy, TJ Saraceno, N Sattarnezhad, ...
NPJ digital medicine 2 (1), 123, 2019
The potential and perils of preprocessing: Building new foundations
AW Blocker, XL Meng
Estimating latent processes on a network from indirect measurements
EM Airoldi, AW Blocker
Journal of the American Statistical Association 108 (501), 149-164, 2013
The true cost of social security
AW Blocker, LJ Kotlikoff, SA Ross, SV Vallenas
Tax policy and the economy 33 (1), 131-163, 2019
A computational approach to map nucleosome positions and alternative chromatin states with base pair resolution
X Zhou, AW Blocker, EM Airoldi, EK O'Shea
Elife 5, e16970, 2016
fastGHQuad: Fast Rcpp implementation of Gauss-Hermite quadrature
AW Blocker
R package version 0.1-1, URL http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= fastGHQuad, 2011
Multi-Assay Prediction Model for Cancer Detection
E Hubbell, SS Gross, D Filippova, L Shen, OC Venn, AW Blocker, ...
US Patent App. 16/384,784, 2019
ipfp: Fast implementation of the iterative proportional fitting procedure in C
AW Blocker
R package version 1 (1), 2016
Weakly Supervised Clustering: Learning Fine-Grained Signals from Coarse Labels
S Wager, A Blocker, N Cardin
Ann. Appl. Stat. 9 (2), 801--820, 2015
A Bayesian approach to the analysis of time symmetry in light curves: reconsidering Scorpius X-1 occultations
AW Blocker, P Protopapas, CR Alcock
The Astrophysical Journal 701 (2), 1742, 2009
Semi-parametric robust event detection for massive time-domain databases
AW Blocker, P Protopapas
Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy V, 177-187, 2012
Deconvolution of mixing time series on a graph
AW Blocker, EM Airoldi
Uncertainty in artificial intelligence: Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh …, 2011
Models for targeted sequencing of rna
W Pan, HJ Kim, MH Larson, AW Blocker, E Hubbell, A Jamshidi
US Patent App. 16/584,936, 2020
Package ‘ipfp’
AW Blocker
Site-specific noise model for targeted sequencing
AW Blocker, E Hubbell
US Patent App. 16/153,593, 2019
論文 1–20