Albrecht von Boetticher
Albrecht von Boetticher
Staubli, Kurath & Partner AG, Zurich, Switzerland
確認したメール アドレス: wasserbau.ch - ホームページ
Mechanics of chain-link wire nets with loose connections
ECPB J.P. Escallón, A. von Boetticher, C. Wendeler
Engineering Structures, 68 - 87, 2015
DebrisInterMixing-2.3: a finite volume solver for three-dimensional debris-flow simulations with two calibration parameters-Part 1: Model description
A von Boetticher, JM Turowski, BW McArdell, D Rickenmann, JW Kirchner
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (9), 2909-2923, 2016
DebrisInterMixing-2.3: a finite volume solver for three-dimensional debris-flow simulations with two calibration parameters–Part 2: Model validation with experiments
A von Boetticher, JM Turowski, BW McArdell, D Rickenmann, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (11), 3963, 2017
DebrisInterMixing-2.3: a finite volume solver for three-dimensional debris-flow simulations with two calibration parameters–Part 2: Model validation with experiments
A von Boetticher, JM Turowski, BW McArdell, D Rickenmann, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (11), 3963, 2017
Numerical modelling of chain-link steel wire nets with discrete elements
A von Boetticher, A Volkwein
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 56 (3), 398-419, 2019
Large scale field testing of hillslope debris flows resulting in the design of flexible protection barriers
L Bugnion, A Bötticher, C Wendeler
Proceedings of 12th Interpraevent. Grenoble/France, 2012
Flexible Hangmurenbarrieren: Eine numerische Modellierung des Tragwerks, der Hangmure und der Fluid-Struktur-Interaktion
AGL von Boetticher
Shaker, 2013
Sustainable water management in arid and semi-arid regions
W Kinzelbach, P Brunner, A Von Boetticher, L Kgotlhang, C Milzow
International Hydrology Series Groundwater Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid …, 2010
Modelling flexible wire netting applied to rock fall attenuating systems
A Von Boetticher, J Glover, A Volkwein, M Denk
Interdisciplinary workshop on rockfall protection, 71-72, 2011
Modeling the impact of shallow landslides on flexible protection barriers
A Boetticher, J Hübl, C Wendeler, A Volkwein
Mathematical geosciences at the crossroads of theory and practice, Salzburg …, 2011
DebrisInterMixing-2.3: a Finite Volume solver for three dimensional debris flow simulations based on a single calibration parameter–Part 2: Model validation
A von Boetticher, JM Turowski, BW McArdell, D Rickenmann, ...
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 8 (8), 6379-6415, 2015
Numerical modeling of shallow landslide impacts on flexible protection systems and its validation with full scale testing
AV Boetticher, A Volkwein, R Wüchner, KU Bletzinger, C Wendeler
COUPLED IV: proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational …, 2011
Four-way coupling of a three-dimensional debris flow solver to a Lagrangian Particle Simulation: method and first results
A von Boetticher, D Rickenmann, B McArdell, JW Kirchner
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13605, 2017
A finite volume solver for three dimensional debris flow simulations based on a single calibration parameter
A von Boetticher, JM Turowski, B McArdell, D Rickenmann
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-11889, 2016
A three dimensional two-phase debris flow model: Reduction to one free model parameter by linking rheology to grain size distribution and water content
A von Boetticher, B McArdell, D Rickenmann, J Hübl, C Scheidl
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13593, 2014
Modelling the interactions between grain, hydraulics, and local topography to understand the impact on incipient motion
A von Boetticher, JM Turowski
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-7250, 2013
Numerical modelling of new rockfall interception nets
A Von Boetticher, A Volkwein, C Wendeler
Egu General Assembly Conference. p 15641, 2010
Shear-thinning, Coulomb friction and grain collisions in debris-flow waterfalls: Applications of a 3D phase mixture model with a single calibration parameter and a complex 4 …
A von Boetticher, C Berger, J Speerli
E3S Web of Conferences 415, 02024, 2023
DebrisInterMixing-2.3: a finite volume solver for three-dimensional debris-flow simulations with two calibration parameters-Part 1: Model description
JM Turowski, BW McArdell, JW Kirchner
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (9), 2909, 2016
Flow, Sediment Transport, and Erosion in Steep Mountain Channels: an Alpine Symphony
JW Kirchner, AR Beer, F Heimann, D Rickenmann, JM Schneider, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, EP52A-08, 2015
論文 1–20