Elliot Sefton-Nash
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Cited by
Habitability on early Mars and the search for biosignatures with the ExoMars Rover
JL Vago, F Westall, AJ Coates, R Jaumann, O Korablev, V Ciarletti, ...
Astrobiology 17 (6-7), 471-510, 2017
The global surface temperatures of the Moon as measured by the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment
JP Williams, DA Paige, BT Greenhagen, E Sefton-Nash
Icarus 283, 300-325, 2017
Evidence for exposed water ice in the Moon’s south polar regions from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter ultraviolet albedo and temperature measurements
PO Hayne, A Hendrix, E Sefton-Nash, MA Siegler, PG Lucey, ...
Icarus 255, 58-69, 2015
Seasonal polar temperatures on the Moon
JP Williams, BT Greenhagen, DA Paige, N Schorghofer, E Sefton‐Nash, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124 (10), 2505-2521, 2019
The potential science and engineering value of samples delivered to Earth by Mars sample return: International MSR Objectives and Samples Team (iMOST)
DW Beaty, MM Grady, HY McSween, E Sefton‐Nash, BL Carrier, F Altieri, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54, S3-S152, 2019
Active upper-atmosphere chemistry and dynamics from polar circulation reversal on Titan
NA Teanby, PGJ Irwin, CA Nixon, R De Kok, S Vinatier, A Coustenis, ...
Nature 491 (7426), 732-735, 2012
The Hypanis Valles delta: The last highstand of a sea on early Mars?
P Fawdon, S Gupta, JM Davis, NH Warner, JB Adler, MR Balme, JF Bell III, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 500, 225-241, 2018
Climatology and first-order composition estimates of mesospheric clouds from Mars Climate Sounder limb spectra
E Sefton-Nash, NA Teanby, L Montabone, PGJ Irwin, J Hurley, SB Calcutt
Icarus 222 (1), 342-356, 2013
Topographic, spectral and thermal inertia analysis of interior layered deposits in Iani Chaos, Mars
E Sefton-Nash, DC Catling, SE Wood, PM Grindrod, NA Teanby
Icarus 221 (1), 20-42, 2012
Hypotheses for the origin of the Hypanis fan-shaped deposit at the edge of the Chryse escarpment, Mars: is it a delta?
JB Adler, JF Bell III, P Fawdon, J Davis, NH Warner, E Sefton-Nash, ...
Icarus 319, 885-908, 2019
Hematitic concretions at Meridiani Planum, Mars: Their growth timescale and possible relationship with iron sulfates
E Sefton-Nash, DC Catling
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 269 (3-4), 366-376, 2008
NOAH-H, a deep-learning, terrain classification system for Mars: Results for the ExoMars Rover candidate landing sites
AM Barrett, MR Balme, M Woods, S Karachalios, D Petrocelli, L Joudrier, ...
Icarus 371, 114701, 2022
In situ fragmentation of lunar blocks and implications for impacts and solar-induced thermal stresses
O Ruesch, E Sefton-Nash, JL Vago, M Küppers, JH Pasckert, K Krohn, ...
Icarus 336, 113431, 2020
Evidence for ultra-cold traps and surface water ice in the lunar south polar crater Amundsen
E Sefton-Nash, JP Williams, BT Greenhagen, TJ Warren, JL Bandfield, ...
Icarus 332, 1-13, 2019
The temperatures of Giordano Bruno crater observed by the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment: Application of an effective field of view model for a point-based data set
JP Williams, E Sefton-Nash, DA Paige
Icarus 273, 205-213, 2016
Aram Dorsum: An extensive mid‐Noachian age fluvial depositional system in Arabia Terra, Mars
MR Balme, S Gupta, JM Davis, P Fawdon, PM Grindrod, JC Bridges, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 125 (5), e2019JE006244, 2020
Dynamics of subsurface migration of water on the Moon
P Reiss, T Warren, E Sefton‐Nash, R Trautner
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 126 (5), e2020JE006742, 2021
The Oxford 3D thermophysical model with application to PROSPECT/Luna 27 study landing sites
O King, T Warren, N Bowles, E Sefton-Nash, R Fisackerly, R Trautner
Planetary and Space Science 182, 104790, 2020
Constraints on Mars’ recent equatorial wind regimes from layered deposits and comparison with general circulation model results
E Sefton-Nash, NA Teanby, C Newman, RA Clancy, MI Richardson
Icarus 230, 81-95, 2014
PROSPECTING the Moon: Numerical simulations of temperature and sublimation rate of a cylindric sample
M Formisano, MC De Sanctis, S De Angelis, JD Carpenter, E Sefton-Nash
Planetary and Space Science 169, 8-14, 2019
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Articles 1–20