Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud
Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud
Norwegian Institute of Public Health, University of Oslo, Norway
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Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain
Brainstorm Consortium, V Anttila, B Bulik-Sullivan, HK Finucane, ...
Science 360 (6395), eaap8757, 2018
Genomic relationships, novel loci, and pleiotropic mechanisms across eight psychiatric disorders
PH Lee, V Anttila, H Won, YCA Feng, J Rosenthal, Z Zhu, EM Tucker-Drob, ...
Cell 179 (7), 1469-1482. e11, 2019
Genome-wide association study identifies eight risk loci and implicates metabo-psychiatric origins for anorexia nervosa
HJ Watson, Z Yilmaz, LM Thornton, C Hübel, JRI Coleman, HA Gaspar, ...
Nature genetics 51 (8), 1207-1214, 2019
Association between maternal use of folic acid supplements and risk of autism spectrum disorders in children
P Surén, C Roth, M Bresnahan, M Haugen, M Hornig, D Hirtz, KK Lie, ...
Jama 309 (6), 570-577, 2013
Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain
Brainstorm Consortium
Science (New York, NY) 360 (6395), 2018
The structure of genetic and environmental risk factors for syndromal and subsyndromal common DSM-IV axis I and all axis II disorders
KS Kendler, SH Aggen, GP Knudsen, E Røysamb, MC Neale, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 168 (1), 29-39, 2011
The structure of genetic and environmental risk factors for DSM-IV personality disorders: a multivariate twin study
KS Kendler, SH Aggen, N Czajkowski, E Røysamb, K Tambs, S Torgersen, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 65 (12), 1438-1446, 2008
Happiness and health: environmental and genetic contributions to the relationship between subjective well-being, perceived health, and somatic illness.
E Røysamb, K Tambs, T Reichborn-Kjennerud, MC Neale, JR Harris
Journal of personality and social psychology 85 (6), 1136, 2003
Anorexia nervosa: definition, epidemiology, and cycle of risk
CM Bulik, L Reba, AM Siega‐Riz, T Reichborn‐Kjennerud
International Journal of Eating Disorders 37 (S1), S2-S9, 2005
A genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa
V Boraska, CS Franklin, JAB Floyd, LM Thornton, LM Huckins, L Southam, ...
Molecular psychiatry 19 (10), 1085-1094, 2014
Folic acid supplements in pregnancy and severe language delay in children
C Roth, P Magnus, S Schjølberg, C Stoltenberg, P Surén, IW McKeague, ...
Jama 306 (14), 1566-1573, 2011
Subjective well-being: genetic and environmental contributions to stability and change
RB Nes, E Røysamb, K Tambs, JR Harris, T Reichborn-Kjennerud
Psychological medicine 36 (7), 1033-1042, 2006
Prevalence and stability of mental disorders among young adults: findings from a longitudinal study
K Gustavson, AK Knudsen, R Nesvåg, GP Knudsen, SE Vollset, ...
BMC psychiatry 18, 1-15, 2018
Dimensional representations of DSM-IV cluster B personality disorders in a population-based sample of Norwegian twins: a multivariate study
S Torgersen, N Czajkowski, K Jacobson, T Reichborn-Kjennerud, ...
Psychological medicine 38 (11), 1617-1625, 2008
Later emotional and behavioral problems associated with sleep problems in toddlers: a longitudinal study
B Sivertsen, AG Harvey, T Reichborn-Kjennerud, L Torgersen, E Ystrom, ...
JAMA pediatrics 169 (6), 575-582, 2015
Autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, epilepsy, and cerebral palsy in Norwegian children
P Surén, IJ Bakken, H Aase, R Chin, N Gunnes, KK Lie, P Magnus, ...
Pediatrics 130 (1), e152-e158, 2012
Psykisk helse i Norge
A Reneflot, LE Aarø, H Aase, T Reichborn-Kjennerud, K Tambs, ...
Folkehelseinstituttet, Område for psykisk og fysisk helse, 2018
Familiality and heritability of binge eating disorder: Results of a case‐control family study and a twin study
KN Javaras, NM Laird, T Reichborn‐Kjennerud, CM Bulik, HG Pope Jr, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 41 (2), 174-179, 2008
Patterns of remission, continuation and incidence of broadly defined eating disorders during early pregnancy in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)
CM Bulik, ANN Von Holle, R Hamer, CK Berg, L Torgersen, PER Magnus, ...
Psychological medicine 37 (8), 1109-1118, 2007
The joint structure of DSM-IV Axis I and Axis II disorders.
E Røysamb, KS Kendler, K Tambs, RE Ørstavik, MC Neale, SH Aggen, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 120 (1), 198, 2011
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Articles 1–20