Cuong Nguyen
Cuong Nguyen
Research fellow, University of Surrey
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Cited by
Cited by
Uncertainty in model-agnostic meta-learning using variational inference
C Nguyen, TT Do, G Carneiro
The IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 3090-3100, 2020
Sensing in the presence of strong noise by deep learning of dynamic multimode fiber interference
LV Nguyen, CC Nguyen, G Carneiro, H Ebendorff-Heidepriem, ...
Photonics Research 9 (4), B109-B118, 2021
Instance-Dependent Noisy Label Learning via Graphical Modelling
A Garg, C Nguyen, R Felix, TT Do, G Carneiro
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2023
PAC-Bayes Meta-learning with Implicit Task-specific Posteriors
CC Nguyen, TT Do, G Carneiro
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2022
Analytical modeling and optimization of electret-based microgenerators under sinusoidal excitations
CC Nguyen, DC Ranasinghe, SF Al-Sarawi
Microsystem Technologies 23 (12), 5855-5865, 2017
Unsupervised Task Design to Meta-Train Medical Image Classifiers
G Maicas, C Nguyen, F Motlagh, JC Nascimento, G Carneiro
2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1339-1342, 2020
Probabilistic task modelling for meta-learning
CC Nguyen, TT Do, G Carneiro
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 781-791, 2021
Similarity of Classification Tasks
C Nguyen, TT Do, G Carneiro
NeurIPS workshop on meta-learning, 2021
Task Weighting in Meta-learning with Trajectory Optimisation
CC Nguyen, TT Do, G Carneiro
Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023
Instance-dependent Noisy-label Learning with Graphical Model Based Noise-rate Estimation
A Garg, C Nguyen, R Felix, TT Do, G Carneiro
European Conference on Computer Vision, 372-389, 2025
Model and feature diversity for bayesian neural networks in mutual learning
C Pham, CC Nguyen, T Le, D Phung, G Carneiro, TT Do
Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2023
PASS: Peer-Agreement based Sample Selection for training with Noisy Labels
A Garg, C Nguyen, R Felix, TT Do, G Carneiro
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.10802, 2023
Maximising the Utility of Validation Sets for Imbalanced Noisy-label Meta-learning
DA Hoang, C Nguyen, B Vasileios, G Carneiro
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.08132, 2022
Electret-based microgenerators under sinusoidal excitations: an analytical modeling
CC Nguyen, DC Ranasinghe, SF Al-Sarawi
Smart Structures and Systems 21 (3), 335-347, 2018
Smart task design for meta learning medical image analysis systems: Unsupervised, weakly-supervised, and cross-domain design of meta learning tasks
CC Nguyen, Y Dawoud, TT Do, JC Nascimento, V Belagiannis, ...
Meta-Learning with Medical Imaging and Health Informatics Applications, 185-209, 2023
Coverage-Constrained Human-AI Cooperation with Multiple Experts
Z Zhang, C Nguyen, K Wells, TT Do, G Carneiro
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.11976, 2024
MetaAug: Meta-Data Augmentation for Post-Training Quantization
C Pham, HA Dung, CC Nguyen, T Le, D Phung, G Carneiro, TT Do
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.14726, 2024
Towards the Identifiability in Noisy Label Learning: A Multinomial Mixture Approach
C Nguyen, TT Do, G Carneiro
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.01405, 2023
Harnessing meta-learning via probabilistic modelling and trajectory optimisation
CC Nguyen
University of Adelaide, 2021
Analytical modeling of electret-based microgenerators under sinusoidal vibrations
C Nguyen
University of Adelaide, 2017
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Articles 1–20