Violence in the prehistoric period of Japan: the spatio-temporal pattern of skeletal evidence for violence in the Jomon period H Nakao, K Tamura, Y Arimatsu, T Nakagawa, N Matsumoto, T Matsugi Biology Letters 12 (3), 20160028, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
An integrated view of empathy: psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience H Nakao, S Itakura Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 43 (1), 42-52, 2009 | 47 | 2009 |
The evolution of punishment H Nakao, E Machery Biology & Philosophy 27 (6), 833-850, 2012 | 30 | 2012 |
Ready to Teach or Ready to Learn: A Critique of the Natural Pedagogy Theory H Nakao, K Andrews Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (4), 465-483, 2014 | 26 | 2014 |
Violence and warfare in prehistoric Japan T Nakagawa, H Nakao, K Tamura, Y Arimatsu, N Matsumoto, T Matsugi Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science 8 (1), 8-11, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
A proposal of a new automated method for SfM/MVS 3D reconstruction through comparisons of 3D data by SfM/MVS and handheld laser scanners A Kaneda, T Nakagawa, K Tamura, K Noshita, H Nakao PloS one 17 (7), e0270660, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Population pressure and prehistoric violence in the Yayoi period of Japan T Nakagawa, K Tamura, Y Yamaguchi, N Matsumoto, T Matsugi, H Nakao Journal of Archaeological Science 132, 105420, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
人間進化の科学哲学ー行動・心・文化 中尾央 名古屋大学出版会, 2015 | 15* | 2015 |
文化系統学への招待: 文化の進化パターンを探る 中尾央, 三中信宏 勁草書房, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
研究者育成における 「科学と社会」 教育の取り組み: 総合研究大学院大学の事例から (< 特集> 研究開発における学際性) 標葉隆馬, 飯田香穂里, 中尾央, 菊池好行, 見上公一, 伊藤憲二, ... 研究技術計画 29 (2), 90-105, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
3D data of human skeletal remains acquired by two kinds of laser scanners: Einscan Pro HD and Creaform HandySCAN BLACKTM | Elite H Nakao, T Nakagawa, M Yoshida Journal of the Nanzan Academic Society Humanities and Natural Sciences 24 …, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Violence and climate change in the Jomon period, Japan H Nakao, T Nakagawa, K Tamura, Y Yamaguchi, N Matsumoto, T Matsugi The Routledge Handbook of the Bioarchaeology of Climate and Environmental …, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
A comparative study of measurement methods digitizing human skeletal remains: SfM and laser scanning H 27. Nakagawa, T., Kaneda, A., Tamura, K., and Nakao Nabunken Ronso 3, 39-64, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Prehistoric Warfare in the Middle Phase of the Yayoi Period in Japan : Human Skeletal Remains and Demography T Nakagawa, H Nakao, K Tamura, Y Yamaguchi, N Matsumoto, T Matsugi Journal of Computer Archaeology 24 (1/2), 10-29, 2019 | 4* | 2019 |
Methodological problems in animal metacognition research KG Hisashi Nakao Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology 65(1) 65 (1), 45-58, 2015 | 4* | 2015 |
EvoDevo as a Motley Aggregation: Local Integration and Conflicting Views of Genes During the 1980s Y Yoshida, H Nakao Biological Theory 10 (2), 156-166, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
心のモジュール説の新展開: その分析と二重継承説との両立可能性 中尾央 科学哲学科学史研究 3, 21-38, 2009 | 4 | 2009 |
Demic Diffusion of the Yayoi People in the Japanese Archipelago H Nakao, T Nakagawa, A Kaneda, K Tamura, K Noshita Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science 14 (2), 58–64, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
A mathematical study on outline morphologies of yayoi pottery: A case study focusing on the Ongagawa-style pottery from the Yamura, Yano, and Ayaragi-go sites H Noshita, K., Kaneda, A., Tamura, K., Nakagawa, T., and Nakao Nabunken Ronso 3, 65-82, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
道徳と言語のアナロジー説の批判的検討: 感情説との比較を通じて 田中泉吏, 中尾央 科学哲学科学史研究 3, 1-19, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |