Eugenia Toki
Eugenia Toki
Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων
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The use of ICT in preschool education in Greece and China: A comparative study
X Liu, EI Toki, J Pange
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 112, 1167-1176, 2014
E-learning activities for articulation in speech language therapy and learning for preschool children
EI Toki, J Pange
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2), 4274-4278, 2010
Voice handicap index and interpretation of the cutoff points using receiver operating characteristic curve as screening for young adult female smokers
D Tafiadis, EI Kosma, SK Chronopoulos, A Papadopoulos, K Drosos, ...
Journal of Voice 32 (1), 64-69, 2018
ICT use in early childhood education: Storytelling
EI Toki, J Pange
Tiltai 66 (1), 183-192, 2014
Comparison of voice handicap index scores between female students of speech therapy and other health professions
D Tafiadis, SK Chronopoulos, V Siafaka, K Drosos, EI Kosma, EI Toki, ...
Journal of Voice 31 (5), 583-588, 2017
An online expert system for diagnostic assessment procedures on young children's oral speech and language
EI Toki, J Pange, TA Mikropoulos
Procedia Computer Science 14, 428-437, 2012
Effects of early smoking habits on young adult female voices in Greece
D Tafiadis, EI Toki, KJ Miller, N Ziavra
Journal of Voice 31 (6), 728-732, 2017
Different learning theories applied to diverse learning subjects A pilot study
J Pange, A Lekka, EI Toki
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 9, 800-804, 2010
Traditional and computer-based evaluation of preschoolers’ oral language in Greek–A review of the literature
EI Toki, J Pange
Sino-US English Teaching 9 (1), 840-845, 2012
Acoustic and perceived measurements certifying tango as voice treatment method
D Tafiadis, EI Kosma, SK Chronopoulos, A Papadopoulos, EI Toki, ...
Journal of Voice 32 (2), 256. e13-256. e24, 2018
The necessity of ICT literacy in Undergraduate Educational Departments students
EI Toki, A Pange, J Pange
Research, Reflections and Innovations in Integrating ICT in Education, 1437-1441, 2009
Preschoolers’ learning disabilities assessment: New perspectives in computerized clinical tools
EI Toki, V Zakopoulou, J Pange
Sino-US English Teaching 11 (6), 401-410, 2014
Development of digital multimedia resources to support early intervention for young children at-risk for learning disabilities
EI Toki, K Drosos, D Simitzi
Pedagogy–theory & praxis 5 (2), 129-142, 2012
Exploiting the possibility of online courses for speech and language therapy and learning
T Eugenia, J PANGE
Διεθνές Συνέδριο για την Ανοικτή & εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση 5 (3Β), 270-275, 2009
Voice data on female smokers: coherence between the voice handicap index and acoustic voice parameters
D Tafiadis, G Tatsis, N Ziavra, EI Toki
AIMS Med Sci 4 (2), 151-163, 2017
Social learning theories as tools for learning in an ICT educational system
EI Toki, J Pange
The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education 3 (1), 53-55, 2013
The design of an expert system for the e-assessment and treatment plan of preschoolers’ speech and language disorders
EI Toki, J Pange
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 9, 815-819, 2010
A game-based smart system identifying developmental speech and language disorders in child communication: a protocol towards digital clinical diagnostic procedures
EI Toki, V Zakopoulou, G Tatsis, K Plachouras, V Siafaka, EI Kosma, ...
Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning, 559-568, 2021
Fetus heart rate monitoring: A preliminary research study with remote sensing
AG Skrivanos, EI Kosma, SK Chronopoulos, I Kouretas, D Dimopoulos, ...
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 11 (4), 32-44, 2021
Literature review on educational games for learning statistics
A Lekka, E Toki, C Tsolakidis, J Pange
2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 844-847, 2017
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Articles 1–20