Mitra J. Hartmann
Mitra J. Hartmann
Other namesMitra J. Z. Hartmann
Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University
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Mechanical characteristics of rat vibrissae: resonant frequencies and damping in isolated whiskers and in the awake behaving animal
MJ Hartmann, NJ Johnson, RB Towal, C Assad
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (16), 6510-6519, 2003
Robotic whiskers used to sense features
JH Solomon, MJ Hartmann
Nature 443 (7111), 525-525, 2006
Right–left asymmetries in the whisking behavior of rats anticipate head movements
RB Towal, MJ Hartmann
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (34), 8838-8846, 2006
Biomechanical models for radial distance determination by the rat vibrissal system
JA Birdwell, JH Solomon, M Thajchayapong, MA Taylor, M Cheely, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 98 (4), 2439-2455, 2007
Oscillatory activity in the cerebellar hemispheres of unrestrained rats
MJ Hartmann, JM Bower
Journal of neurophysiology 80 (3), 1598-1604, 1998
The brain in its body: motor control and sensing in a biomechanical context
HJ Chiel, LH Ting, Ö Ekeberg, MJZ Hartmann
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (41), 12807-12814, 2009
Haptically linked dyads: are two motor-control systems better than one?
K Reed, M Peshkin, MJ Hartmann, M Grabowecky, J Patton, PM Vishton
Psychological science 17 (5), 365-366, 2006
Active sensing capabilities of the rat whisker system
MJ Hartmann
Autonomous Robots 11, 249-254, 2001
Toward biomorphic control using custom aVLSI CPG chips
MA Lewis, R Etienne-Cummings, AH Cohen, M Hartmann
Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium conference. IEEE international conference …, 2000
The morphology of the rat vibrissal array: a model for quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of whisker-object contact
RB Towal, BW Quist, V Gopal, JH Solomon, MJZ Hartmann
PLoS computational biology 7 (4), e1001120, 2011
An in silico central pattern generator: silicon oscillator, coupling, entrainment, and physical computation
MA Lewis, R Etienne-Cummings, MJ Hartmann, ZR Xu, AH Cohen
Biological cybernetics 88, 137-151, 2003
Mechanical signals at the base of a rat vibrissa: the effect of intrinsic vibrissa curvature and implications for tactile exploration
BW Quist, MJZ Hartmann
Journal of neurophysiology 107 (9), 2298-2312, 2012
Haptic cooperation between people, and between people and machines
KB Reed, M Peshkin, MJ Hartmann, J Patton, PM Vishton, M Grabowecky
2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2006
Variability in velocity profiles during free-air whisking behavior of unrestrained rats
RB Towal, MJZ Hartmann
Journal of neurophysiology 100 (2), 740-752, 2008
Extracting object contours with the sweep of a robotic whisker using torque information
JH Solomon, MJZ Hartmann
The International Journal of Robotics Research 29 (9), 1233-1245, 2010
Variation in Young's modulus along the length of a rat vibrissa
BW Quist, RA Faruqi, MJZ Hartmann
Journal of biomechanics 44 (16), 2775-2781, 2011
Tactile responses in the granule cell layer of cerebellar folium crus IIa of freely behaving rats
MJ Hartmann, JM Bower
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (10), 3549-3563, 2001
Multifunctional whisker arrays for distance detection, terrain mapping, and object feature extraction
AE Schultz, JH Solomon, MA Peshkin, MJ Hartmann
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2005
Radial distance determination in the rat vibrissal system and the effects of Weber's law
JH Solomon, MJZ Hartmann
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 366 …, 2011
Artificial whiskers suitable for array implementation: accounting for lateral slip and surface friction
JH Solomon, MJZ Hartmann
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24 (5), 1157-1167, 2008
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Articles 1–20