Richard Andersen
Richard Andersen
Professor of Neuroscience, California Institute of Technology
確認したメール アドレス: vis.caltech.edu - ホームページ
Multimodal representation of space in the posterior parietal cortex and its use in planning movements
RA Andersen, LH Snyder, DC Bradley, J Xing
Annual review of neuroscience 20 (1), 303-330, 1997
Encoding of spatial location by posterior parietal neurons
RA Andersen, GK Essick, RM Siegel
Science 230 (4724), 456-458, 1985
Intentional maps in posterior parietal cortex
RA Andersen, CA Buneo
Annual review of neuroscience 25 (1), 189-220, 2002
A back-propagation programmed network that simulates response properties of a subset of posterior parietal neurons
D Zipser, RA Andersen
Nature 331 (6158), 679-684, 1988
Coding of intention in the posterior parietal cortex
LH Snyder, AP Batista, RA Andersen
Nature 386 (6621), 167-170, 1997
Temporal structure in neuronal activity during working memory in macaque parietal cortex
B Pesaran, JS Pezaris, M Sahani, PP Mitra, RA Andersen
Nature neuroscience 5 (8), 805-811, 2002
Memory related motor planning activity in posterior parietal cortex of macaque
JW Gnadt, RA Andersen
Experimental brain research 70, 216-220, 1988
Corticocortical connections of anatomically and physiologically defined subdivisions within the inferior parietal lobule
RA Andersen, C Asanuma, G Essick, RM Siegel
Journal of Comparative Neurology 296 (1), 65-113, 1990
Cognitive control signals for neural prosthetics
S Musallam, BD Corneil, B Greger, H Scherberger, RA Andersen
Science 305 (5681), 258-262, 2004
Reach plans in eye-centered coordinates
AP Batista, CA Buneo, LH Snyder, RA Andersen
Science 285 (5425), 257-260, 1999
Direct visuomotor transformations for reaching
CA Buneo, MR Jarvis, AP Batista, RA Andersen
Nature 416 (6881), 632-636, 2002
A common reference frame for movement plans in the posterior parietal cortex
YE Cohen, RA Andersen
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3 (7), 553-562, 2002
Intention, action planning, and decision making in parietal-frontal circuits
RA Andersen, H Cui
Neuron 63 (5), 568-583, 2009
Eye position effects on visual, memory, and saccade-related activity in areas LIP and 7a of macaque
RA Andersen, RM Bracewell, S Barash, JW Gnadt, L Fogassi
Journal of Neuroscience 10 (4), 1176-1196, 1990
The posterior parietal cortex: sensorimotor interface for the planning and online control of visually guided movements
CA Buneo, RA Andersen
Neuropsychologia 44 (13), 2594-2606, 2006
Visual receptive field organization and cortico‐cortical connections of the lateral intraparietal area (area LIP) in the macaque
GJ Blatt, RA Andersen, GR Stoner
Journal of Comparative Neurology 299 (4), 421-445, 1990
The influence of the angle of gaze upon the excitability of the light-sensitive neurons of the posterior parietal cortex
RA Andersen, VB Mountcastle
Journal of Neuroscience 3 (3), 532-548, 1983
Separate body-and world-referenced representations of visual space in parietal cortex
LH Snyder, KL Grieve, P Brotchie, RA Andersen
Nature 394 (6696), 887-891, 1998
Tuning of MST neurons to spiral motions
MS Graziano, RA Andersen, RJ Snowden
Journal of Neuroscience 14 (1), 54-67, 1994
Decoding motor imagery from the posterior parietal cortex of a tetraplegic human
T Aflalo, S Kellis, C Klaes, B Lee, Y Shi, K Pejsa, K Shanfield, ...
Science 348 (6237), 906-910, 2015
論文 1–20