Yuichi Motoyama
Yuichi Motoyama
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
確認したメール アドレス: issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp
mVMC—Open-source software for many-variable variational Monte Carlo method
T Misawa, S Morita, K Yoshimi, M Kawamura, Y Motoyama, K Ido, ...
Computer Physics Communications 235, 447-462, 2019
RESPACK: An ab initio tool for derivation of effective low-energy model of material
K Nakamura, Y Yoshimoto, Y Nomura, T Tadano, M Kawamura, T Kosugi, ...
Computer Physics Communications 261, 107781, 2021
Bayesian optimization package: PHYSBO
Y Motoyama, R Tamura, K Yoshimi, K Terayama, T Ueno, K Tsuda
Computer Physics Communications 278, 108405, 2022
SpM: Sparse modeling tool for analytic continuation of imaginary-time Green’s function
K Yoshimi, J Otsuki, Y Motoyama, M Ohzeki, H Shinaoka
Computer Physics Communications 244, 319-323, 2019
Path-integral Monte Carlo method for the local Berry phase
Y Motoyama, S Todo
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (2 …, 2013
Robust analytic continuation combining the advantages of the sparse modeling approach and the Padé approximation
Y Motoyama, K Yoshimi, J Otsuki
Physical Review B 105 (3), 035139, 2022
TeNeS: Tensor network solver for quantum lattice systems
Y Motoyama, T Okubo, K Yoshimi, S Morita, T Kato, N Kawashima
Computer Physics Communications 279, 108437, 2022
Z_N Berry phase and symmetry protected topological phases of SU (N) antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain
Y Motoyama, S Todo
Physical Review B 98, 195127, 2015
Facilitating ab initio configurational sampling of multicomponent solids using an on-lattice neural network model and active learning
S Kasamatsu, Y Motoyama, K Yoshimi, U Matsumoto, A Kuwabara, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 157 (10), 104114, 2022
Asymmetric melting of a one-third plateau in kagome quantum antiferromagnets
T Misawa, Y Motoyama, Y Yamaji
Physical Review B 102 (9), 094419, 2020
Data-analysis software framework 2DMAT and its application to experimental measurements for two-dimensional material structures
Y Motoyama, K Yoshimi, I Mochizuki, H Iwamoto, H Ichinose, T Hoshi
Computer Physics Communications 280, 108465, 2022
sim-trhepd-rheed–Open-source simulator of total-reflection high-energy positron diffraction (TRHEPD) and reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED)
T Hanada, Y Motoyama, K Yoshimi, T Hoshi
Computer Physics Communications 277, 108371, 2022
DSQSS: Discrete Space Quantum Systems Solver
Y Motoyama, K Yoshimi, A Masaki-Kato, T Kato, N Kawashima
Computer Physics Communications 264, 107944, 2021
Non-monotonic behavior of the Binder parameter in discrete spin systems
H Watanabe, Y Motoyama, S Morita, N Kawashima
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2023 (3), 033A02, 2023
Update of HΦ: Newly added functions and methods in versions 2 and 3
K Ido, M Kawamura, Y Motoyama, K Yoshimi, Y Yamaji, S Todo, ...
Computer Physics Communications 298, 109093, 2024
Kω—Open-source library for the shifted Krylov subspace method of the form (zI− H) x= b
T Hoshi, M Kawamura, K Yoshimi, Y Motoyama, T Misawa, Y Yamaji, ...
Computer Physics Communications 258, 107536, 2021
Data Analysis of Ab initio Effective Hamiltonians in Iron-Based Superconductors—Construction of Predictors for Superconducting Critical Temperature
K Ido, Y Motoyama, K Yoshimi, T Misawa
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 92 (6), 064702, 2023
Dimer-Mott and charge-ordered insulating states in the quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors - and
R Kobayashi, K Hashimoto, N Yoneyama, K Yoshimi, Y Motoyama, ...
Physical Review B 96 (11), 115112, 2017
Configuration sampling in multi-component multi-sublattice systems enabled by ab Initio Configuration Sampling Toolkit (abICS)
S Kasamatsu, Y Motoyama, K Yoshimi, T Aoyama
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods 3 (1), 2284128, 2023
MateriApps LIVE! and MateriApps Installer: Environment for starting and scaling up materials science simulations
Y Motoyama, K Yoshimi, T Kato, S Todo
SoftwareX 20, 101210, 2022
論文 1–20