Pascal Silberzan
Pascal Silberzan
確認したメール アドレス: curie.fr
Collective migration of an epithelial monolayer in response to a model wound
M Poujade, E Grasland-Mongrain, A Hertzog, J Jouanneau, P Chavrier, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (41), 15988-15993, 2007
Force mapping in epithelial cell migration
O Du Roure, A Saez, A Buguin, RH Austin, P Chavrier, P Siberzan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (7), 2390-2395, 2005
Silanation of silica surfaces. A new method of constructing pure or mixed monolayers
P Silberzan, L Leger, D Ausserre, JJ Benattar
Langmuir 7 (8), 1647-1651, 1991
Bouncing or sticky droplets: Impalement transitions on superhydrophobic micropatterned surfaces
D Bartolo, F Bouamrirene, E Verneuil, A Buguin, P Silberzan, S Moulinet
Europhysics Letters 74 (2), 299, 2006
The dynamics of genomic-length DNA molecules in 100-nm channels
JO Tegenfeldt, C Prinz, H Cao, S Chou, WW Reisner, R Riehn, YM Wang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (30), 10979-10983, 2004
The 2020 motile active matter roadmap
G Gompper, RG Winkler, T Speck, A Solon, C Nardini, F Peruani, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (19), 193001, 2020
Microfluidics for biotechnology
J Berthier, P Silberzan
Artech House, 2010
Traction forces and rigidity sensing regulate cell functions
M Ghibaudo, A Saez, L Trichet, A Xayaphoummine, J Browaeys, ...
Soft Matter 4 (9), 1836-1843, 2008
Rigidity-driven growth and migration of epithelial cells on microstructured anisotropic substrates
A Saez, M Ghibaudo, A Buguin, P Silberzan, B Ladoux
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (20), 8281-8286, 2007
Physics of active jamming during collective cellular motion in a monolayer
S Garcia, E Hannezo, J Elgeti, JF Joanny, P Silberzan, NS Gov
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (50), 15314-15319, 2015
Is the mechanical activity of epithelial cells controlled by deformations or forces?
A Saez, A Buguin, P Silberzan, B Ladoux
Biophysical journal 89 (6), L52-L54, 2005
Micro-actuators: When artificial muscles made of nematic liquid crystal elastomers meet soft lithography
A Buguin, MH Li, P Silberzan, B Ladoux, P Keller
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (4), 1088-1089, 2006
Velocity fields in a collectively migrating epithelium
L Petitjean, M Reffay, E Grasland-Mongrain, M Poujade, B Ladoux, ...
Biophysical journal 98 (9), 1790-1800, 2010
Interplay of RhoA and mechanical forces in collective cell migration driven by leader cells
M Reffay, MC Parrini, O Cochet-Escartin, B Ladoux, A Buguin, S Coscoy, ...
Nature cell biology 16 (3), 217-223, 2014
Nonmuscle myosin IIA-dependent force inhibits cell spreading and drives F-actin flow
Y Cai, N Biais, G Giannone, M Tanase, G Jiang, JM Hofman, CH Wiggins, ...
Biophysical journal 91 (10), 3907-3920, 2006
Cancer-associated fibroblast heterogeneity in axillary lymph nodes drives metastases in breast cancer through complementary mechanisms
F Pelon, B Bourachot, Y Kieffer, I Magagna, F Mermet-Meillon, I Bonnet, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 404, 2020
Strength dependence of cadherin-mediated adhesions
B Ladoux, E Anon, M Lambert, A Rabodzey, P Hersen, A Buguin, ...
Biophysical journal 98 (4), 534-542, 2010
Topological defects in confined populations of spindle-shaped cells
G Duclos, C Erlenkämper, JF Joanny, P Silberzan
Nature Physics 13 (1), 58-62, 2017
Collective cell motion in an epithelial sheet can be quantitatively described by a stochastic interacting particle model
N Sepúlveda, L Petitjean, O Cochet, E Grasland-Mongrain, P Silberzan, ...
PLoS computational biology 9 (3), e1002944, 2013
Traction forces exerted through N‐cadherin contacts
A Ganz, M Lambert, A Saez, P Silberzan, A Buguin, RM Mège, B Ladoux
Biology of the Cell 98 (12), 721-730, 2006
論文 1–20