Olivier Beyssac
Olivier Beyssac
確認したメール アドレス: upmc.fr
Raman spectra of carbonaceous material in metasediments: a new geothermometer
O Beyssac, B Goffé, C Chopin, JN Rouzaud
Journal of metamorphic Geology 20 (9), 859-871, 2002
On the characterization of disordered and heterogeneous carbonaceous materials by Raman spectroscopy
O Beyssac, B Goffé, JP Petitet, E Froigneux, M Moreau, JN Rouzaud
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 59 (10 …, 2003
Efficient organic carbon burial in the Bengal fan sustained by the Himalayan erosional system
V Galy, C France-Lanord, O Beyssac, P Faure, H Kudrass, F Palhol
Nature 450 (7168), 407-410, 2007
Evolution of the Raman spectrum of carbonaceous material in low‐grade metasediments of the Glarus Alps (Switzerland)
A Lahfid, O Beyssac, E Deville, F Negro, C Chopin, B Goffé
Terra nova 22 (5), 354-360, 2010
Graphitization in a high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphic gradient: a Raman microspectroscopy and HRTEM study
O Beyssac, JN Rouzaud, B Goffe, F Brunet, C Chopin
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 143 (1), 19-31, 2002
From organic matter to graphite: Graphitization
PR Buseck, O Beyssac
Elements 10 (6), 421-426, 2014
The SuperCam instrument suite on the NASA Mars 2020 rover: Body unit and combined system tests
RC Wiens, S Maurice, SH Robinson, AE Nelson, P Cais, P Bernardi, ...
Space Science Reviews 217, 1-87, 2021
Recycling of graphite during Himalayan erosion: A geological stabilization of carbon in the crust
V Galy, O Beyssac, C France-Lanord, T Eglinton
Science 322 (5903), 943-945, 2008
Thermal structure and exhumation history of the Lesser Himalaya in central Nepal
L Bollinger, JP Avouac, O Beyssac, EJ Catlos, TM Harrison, M Grove, ...
Tectonics 23 (5), 2004
XANES, Raman and XRD study of anthracene-based cokes and saccharose-based chars submitted to high-temperature pyrolysis
S Bernard, O Beyssac, K Benzerara, N Findling, G Tzvetkov, GE Brown Jr
Carbon 48 (9), 2506-2516, 2010
The SuperCam instrument suite on the Mars 2020 rover: Science objectives and mast-unit description
S Maurice, RC Wiens, P Bernardi, P Caïs, S Robinson, T Nelson, ...
Space Science Reviews 217, 1-108, 2021
A new chlorite geothermometer for diagenetic to low-grade metamorphic conditions
F Bourdelle, T Parra, C Chopin, O Beyssac
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 165, 723-735, 2013
Thermal metamorphism in the lesser Himalaya of Nepal determined from Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material
O Beyssac, L Bollinger, JP Avouac, B Goffé
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 225 (1-2), 233-241, 2004
The Zermatt‐Saas ophiolite: the largest (60‐km wide) and deepest (c. 70–80 km) continuous slice of oceanic lithosphere detached from a subduction zone?
S Angiboust, P Agard, L Jolivet, O Beyssac
Terra Nova 21 (3), 171-180, 2009
Late Cenozoic metamorphic evolution and exhumation of Taiwan
O Beyssac, M Simoes, JP Avouac, KA Farley, YG Chen, YC Chan, B Goffé
Tectonics 26 (6), 2007
Graphite formation by carbonate reduction during subduction
ME Galvez, O Beyssac, I Martinez, K Benzerara, C Chaduteau, ...
Nature Geoscience 6 (6), 473-477, 2013
Erosion by an Alpine glacier
F Herman, O Beyssac, M Brughelli, SN Lane, S Leprince, T Adatte, ...
Science 350 (6257), 193-195, 2015
Ar–Ar and fission-track ages in the Song Chay Massif: Early Triassic and Cenozoic tectonics in northern Vietnam
H Maluski, C Lepvrier, L Jolivet, A Carter, D Roques, O Beyssac, TT Tang, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 19 (1-2), 233-248, 2001
Oxidation of petrogenic organic carbon in the Amazon floodplain as a source of atmospheric CO2
J Bouchez, O Beyssac, V Galy, J Gaillardet, C France-Lanord, L Maurice, ...
Geology 38 (3), 255-258, 2010
Oligo‐Miocene midcrustal subhorizontal shear zone in Indochina
L Jolivet, O Beyssac, B Goffé, D Avigad, C Lepvrier, H Maluski, TT Thang
Tectonics 20 (1), 46-57, 2001
論文 1–20