Jasronita Jasni
Jasronita Jasni
確認したメール アドレス: upm.edu.my
Parameter selection in particle swarm optimisation: a survey
A Rezaee Jordehi, J Jasni
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 25 (4), 527-542, 2013
Particle swarm optimisation for discrete optimisation problems: a review
A Rezaee Jordehi, J Jasni
Artificial Intelligence Review 43, 243-258, 2015
Evolution of transformer health index in the form of mathematical equation
A Azmi, J Jasni, N Azis, MZAA Kadir
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 76, 687-700, 2017
Enhanced leader PSO (ELPSO): a new algorithm for allocating distributed TCSC’s in power systems
AR Jordehi, J Jasni, N Abd Wahab, MZ Kadir, MS Javadi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 64, 771-784, 2015
Suitability of palm based oil as dielectric insulating fluid in transformers
N Azis, J Jasni, MZAA Kadir, MN Mohtar
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 9 (2), 662-669, 2014
Computational techniques for assessing the reliability and sustainability of electrical power systems: A review
AA Kadhem, NIA Wahab, I Aris, J Jasni, AN Abdalla
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80, 1175-1186, 2017
Advanced wind speed prediction model based on a combination of weibull distribution and an artificial neural network
AA Kadhem, NI Abdul Wahab, I Aris, J Jasni, AN Abdalla
Energies 10 (11), 1744, 2017
Agro‐wastes: Mechanical and physical properties of resin impregnated oil palm trunk core lumber
HPS Abdul Khalil, AH Bhat, M Jawaid, P Amouzgar, R Ridzuan, MR Said
Polymer Composites 31 (4), 638-644, 2010
Investigation of the dielectric and thermal properties of non-edible cottonseed oil by infusing h-BN nanoparticles
RA Farade, NIBA Wahab, DEA Mansour, NB Azis, J Jasni, ...
IEEE Access 8, 76204-76217, 2020
Recent statistics on lightning fatalities in Malaysia
MZA Ab Kadir, NR Misbah, C Gomes, J Jasni, WFW Ahmad, MK Hassan
2012 International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), 1-5, 2012
Particle swarm optimisation applications in FACTS optimisation problem
AR Jordehi, J Jasni, NIA Wahab, MZA Abd Kadir
2013 IEEE 7th international power engineering and optimization conference …, 2013
Investigation on the electrical properties of palm oil and coconut oil based TiO2nanofluids
SFM Nor, N Azis, J Jasni, MZA Ab Kadir, R Yunus, Z Yaakub
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 24 (6), 3432-3442, 2017
Approaches for FACTS optimization problem in power systems
AR Jordehi, J Jasni
2012 IEEE international power engineering and optimization conference Melaka …, 2012
Estimation of transformers health index based on the markov chain
MS Yahaya, N Azis, MZA Ab Kadir, J Jasni, MH Hairi, MA Talib
Energies 10 (11), 1824, 2017
A fuzzy logic based controller for an indirect vector controlled three-phase induction motor
N Mariun, SBM Noor, J Jasni, OS Bennanes
2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference TENCON 2004. 500, 1-4, 2004
Investigation of the effect of sonication time on dispersion stability, dielectric properties, and heat transfer of graphene based green nanofluids
RA Farade, NIA Wahab, DEA Mansour, NB Azis, JB Jasni, V Veerasamy, ...
IEEE Access 9, 50607-50623, 2021
Heuristic methods for solution of FACTS optimization problem in power systems
AR Jordehi, J Jasni
2011 IEEE student conference on research and development, 30-35, 2011
A study on the dielectric properties of Palm Oil and Coconut Oil
NA Mohamad, N Azis, J Jasni, MZA Ab Kadir, R Yunus, MT Ishak, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 109-112, 2014
Transformers health index assessment based on neural-fuzzy network
EJ Kadim, N Azis, J Jasni, SA Ahmad, MA Talib
Energies 11 (4), 710, 2018
Pre-breakdown streamer propagation and breakdown characteristics of refined bleached and deodorized palm oil under lightning impulse voltage
YV Thien, N Azis, J Jasni, MZA Ab Kadir, R Yunus, MKM Jamil, Z Yaakub
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 25 (5), 1614-1620, 2018
論文 1–20