Jorge Martins
Jorge Martins
University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico
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On the continuous contact force models for soft materials in multibody dynamics
P Flores, M Machado, MT Silva, JM Martins
Multibody system dynamics 25, 357-375, 2011
Approaches for dynamic modelling of flexible manipulator systems
JM Martins, Z Mohamed, MO Tokhi, JS Da Costa, MA Botto
IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications 150 (4), 401-411, 2003
Vibration control of a very flexible manipulator system
Z Mohamed, JM Martins, MO Tokhi, JS Da Costa, MA Botto
Control Engineering Practice 13 (3), 267-277, 2005
Technical developments of functional electrical stimulation to correct drop foot: sensing, actuation and control strategies
PL Melo, MT Silva, JM Martins, DJ Newman
Clinical Biomechanics 30 (2), 101-113, 2015
Modeling of flexible beams for robotic manipulators
J Martins, M Ayala Botto, J Sá da Costa
Multibody System Dynamics 7, 79-100, 2002
Evaluation of the contact forces developed in the lower limb/orthosis interface for comfort design
PC Silva, MT Silva, JM Martins
Multibody System Dynamics 24 (3), 367-388, 2010
Non-rigid registration of 3D ultrasound for neurosurgery using automatic feature detection and matching
I Machado, M Toews, J Luo, P Unadkat, W Essayed, E George, P Teodoro, ...
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 13, 1525-1538, 2018
Exact restitution and generalizations for the Hunt–Crossley contact model
AS Carvalho, JM Martins
Mechanism and Machine Theory 139, 174-194, 2019
Tribological solutions for engine piston ring surfaces: an overview on the materials and manufacturing
R Ferreira, J Martins, Ó Carvalho, L Sobral, S Carvalho, F Silva
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 35 (5), 498-520, 2020
Fractional order human arm dynamics with variability analyses
I Tejado, D Valerio, P Pires, J Martins
Mechatronics 23 (7), 805-812, 2013
A Monte Carlo analysis of muscle force estimation sensitivity to muscle-tendon properties using a Hill-based muscle model
P Bujalski, J Martins, L Stirling
Journal of biomechanics 79, 67-77, 2018
Deformable MRI-Ultrasound registration using correlation-based attribute matching for brain shift correction: Accuracy and generality in multi-site data
I Machado, M Toews, E George, P Unadkat, W Essayed, J Luo, P Teodoro, ...
NeuroImage 202, 116094, 2019
An efficient muscle fatigue model for forward and inverse dynamic analysis of human movements
MT Silva, AF Pereira, JM Martins, Biomechatronics Research Group
Procedia IUTAM 2, 262-274, 2011
A vision system for robotic ultrasound guided orthopaedic surgery
PJS Gonçalves, PMB Torres, F Santos, R António, N Catarino, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 77, 327-339, 2015
Real-time walking gait terrain classification from foot-mounted Inertial Measurement Unit using Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory neural network
RM Coelho, J Gouveia, MA Botto, HI Krebs, J Martins
Expert Systems with Applications 203, 117306, 2022
Transcultural perspective on consciousness: Traditional use of ayahuasca in psychotherapy in the 21st Century in Western World
TS Re, J Palma, JE Martins, M Simões
Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 12 (2), 237-249, 2016
Implementation of an efficient muscle fatigue model in the framework of multibody systems dynamics for analysis of human movements
AF Pereira, MT Silva, JM Martins, M De Carvalho
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of …, 2011
A microcontroller platform for the rapid prototyping of functional electrical stimulation‐based gait neuroprostheses
P Luzio de Melo, MT da Silva, J Martins, D Newman
Artificial Organs 39 (5), E56-E66, 2015
3D femur reconstruction using a robotized ultrasound probe
PMB Torres, JM Sanches, PJS Gonçalves, JMM Martins
2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2012
Position and orientation errors in a neuronavigation procedure: a stepwise protocol using a cranial phantom
PD Batista, IP Machado, P Roios, J Lavrador, MB Cattoni, J Martins, ...
World Neurosurgery 126, e342-e350, 2019
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Articles 1–20