Chia-Yue Lo
Chia-Yue Lo
Office of Information Technology, National Chung Cheng University
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Cited by
Cited by
A modular agent architecture for an autonomous robot
KS Hwang, CY Lo, WL Liu
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 58 (8), 2797-2806, 2009
Cooperation between multiple agents based on partially sharing policy
KS Hwang, CJ Lin, CJ Wu, CY Lo
Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of …, 2007
Policy improvement by a model-free Dyna architecture
KS Hwang, CY Lo
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 24 (5), 776-788, 2013
A grey synthesis approach to efficient architecture design for temporal difference learning
KS Hwang, CY Lo, GY Lee
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 16 (6), 1136-1144, 2010
Cooperative learning by policy-sharing in multiple agents
KS Hwang, CJ Lin, CY Lo
Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal 40 (4), 286-309, 2009
Cooperation in multiple agents based on sharing policy
KS Hwang, CJ Lin, CJ Wu, CY Lo
2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 3817-3822, 2007
Real-valued Q-Learning in multi-agent cooperation
KS Hwang, CY Lo, KJ Chen
2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 395-400, 2009
Multi-Agent Cooperation by Q-Learning in Continuous Action Domain
KS Hwang, YH Lin, CY Lo
2008 First International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent …, 2008
Dyna-like reinforcement learning based on accumulative and average rewards
KS Hwang, CY Lo
2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1250-1254, 2010
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Articles 1–9