Hyunghun Cho
Hyunghun Cho
AI Researcher at Noul Co., Ltd.
確認したメール アドレス: noul.com
Basic enhancement strategies when using Bayesian optimization for hyperparameter tuning of deep neural networks
H Cho, Y Kim, E Lee, D Choi, Y Lee, W Rhee
IEEE access 8, 52588-52608, 2020
SAFEWAPI: Web API misuse detector for web applications
SG Bae, H Cho, I Lim, S Ryu
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on foundations …, 2014
On the difficulty of DNN hyperparameter optimization using learning curve prediction
D Choi, H Cho, W Rhee
TENCON 2018-2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 0651-0656, 2018
Improving the energy saving process with high-resolution data: A case study in a university building
J Han, E Lee, H Cho, Y Yoon, H Lee, W Rhee
Sensors 18 (5), 1606, 2018
Apparatus and method for automatic testing of software or digital devices
S Jeong, H Cho, M Song, Y Park, SH Kim, IP Iiong
US Patent App. 12/467,652, 2010
Electro device for protecting user's privacy and method for controlling thereof
SJ Cho, K Hyuk-In, S Chang-Sun, H Cho, C Jeong-Eun
US Patent 9,514,321, 2016
B2EA: An evolutionary algorithm assisted by two Bayesian optimization modules for neural architecture search
H Cho, J Shin, W Rhee
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.03005, 2022
REST to JavaScript for better client-side development
H Cho, S Ryu
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, 937-942, 2014
DEEP-BO for Hyperparameter Optimization of Deep Networks
H Cho, Y Kim, E Lee, D Choi, Y Lee, W Rhee
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.09680, 2019
Diversified and realistic 3D augmentation via iterative construction, random placement, and HPR occlusion
J Shin, J Kim, K Lee, H Cho, W Rhee
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (2), 2282-2291, 2023
How to juggle work & family: a mixed method study on home-based mom teleworkers
H Lee, S Yoo, H Cho, J Lee
IConference 2016 Proceedings, 2016
An Effective Cascading Classifier for Patient-level Malaria Diagnosis on the miLab™ Platform with Focus-stacking Tiny Vision Transformer
Hyunghun Cho, DongShik Ham, Seongjin Park, Adam Balint, Dayeong Bae, Minjong ...
ASTMH24, 2024
A large multi-focus dataset for white blood cell classification
S Park, H Cho, BM Woo, SM Lee, D Bae, A Balint, YJ Seo, CY Bae, ...
Scientific Data 11 (1), 1106, 2024
함수 최적화 방법 및 장치 (Method and apparatus for function optimization)
W Rhee, H Cho
KR Patent 10-2,559,605, 2023
DR. CPO: Diversified and Realistic 3D Augmentation via Iterative Construction, Random Placement, and HPR Occlusion
J Shin, J Kim, K Lee, H Cho, W Rhee
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12743, 2023
DNN Representations as Codewords: Manipulating Statistical Properties via Penalty Regularization
D Choi, C Shin, H Cho, W Rhee
論文 1–16