Alireza Zolfaghari
Alireza Zolfaghari
AI Researcher
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Autonomous cars: The tension between occupant experience and intersection capacity
S Le Vine, A Zolfaghari, J Polak
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 52, 1-14, 2015
Carsharing: evolution, challenges and opportunities
S Le Vine, A Zolfaghari, J Polak
Scientific advisory group report 22, 218-229, 2014
Choice set pruning in residential location choice modelling: a comparison of sampling and choice set generation approaches in greater London
A Zolfaghari, A Sivakumar, JW Polak
Transportation Planning and Technology 35 (1), 87-106, 2012
Simplified probabilistic choice set formation models in a residential location choice context
A Zolfaghari, A Sivakumar, J Polak
Journal of choice modelling 9, 3-13, 2013
The tension between autonomous cars’ impacts on intersection level-of-service and their occupants’ use of travel time for leisurely or economically-productive activities
S Le Vine, A Zolfaghari, J Polak
94th annual meeting of the transportation research board, 2015
Carsharing: Evolution, Challenges and Opportunities-22th ACEA Scientific Advisory Group Report
S Le Vine, A Zolfaghari, J Polak
European Automobile Manufacturers Association, Brussels, 2014
Imputing socioeconomic attributes for movement data by analysing patterns of visited places and google places database: bridging between big data and behavioural analysis
J Pawlak, A Zolfaghari, J Polak
International Choice Modelling Conference 2015, 2015
Methodological and empirical challenges in modelling residential location choices
A Zolfaghari
Imperial College London, 2013
Choice set formation in residential location choice modelling: empirical comparison of alternative approaches
A Zolfaghari, A Sivakumar, JW Polak
Annu. Meet. Transp. Res. Board, 1-26, 2012
Changes in life expectancy and house prices in London from 2002 to 2019: hyper-resolution spatiotemporal analysis of death registration and real estate data
JE Bennett, T Rashid, A Zolfaghari, Y Doyle, E Suel, J Pearson-Stuttard, ...
The Lancet Regional Health–Europe 27, 2023
Simplified two-stage choice set formation models incorporating observed choice set data
A Zolfaghari, A Sivakumar, JW Polak
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2013
Choice set formation in residential location choice modelling: implementation of a hazard-based approach
A Zolfaghari, A Sivakumar, J Polak
International Choice Modelling Conference 2011, 2011
Choice set imputation in atomistic spatial choice models
A Zolfaghari, J Polak, A Sivakumar
Transportation Research Record 2564 (1), 138-146, 2016
Pseudo-Equilibrium Price Formation in Urban Simulation Models: A Hybrid Equilibrium and Agent-based Approach for Floor Space Markets
A Zolfaghari, A Sivakumar, JW Polak
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2015
Evolution, Challenges and Opportunities
S Le Vine, A Zolfaghari, J Polak
Methodological and Empirical Challenges in Modelling Households’ Residential Location Choices at the Level of Dwelling Units
A Zolfaghari, A Sivakumar, J Polak
International Choice Modelling Conference 2013, 2013
Pseudo-Equilibrium Price Formation in Microsimulation Urban Models: A Hybrid Equilibrium and Microsimulation Approach Track General Papers Director Mark Wardman Abstract Abstract
A Zolfaghari, J Polak, A Sivakumar
The Journal of Choice Modelling
A Zolfaghari, A Sivakumar, J Polak
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Articles 1–18