James E Gardner
James E Gardner
Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
確認したメール アドレス: jsg.utexas.edu
Comparison of microanalytical methods for estimating H2O contents of silicic volcanic glasses
JD Devine, JE Gardner, HP Brack, GD Layne, MJ Rutherford
American Mineralogist 80 (3), 319-328, 1995
Fragmentation of magma during Plinian volcanic eruptions
JE Gardner, RME Thomas, C Jaupart, S Tait
Bulletin of Volcanology 58, 144-162, 1996
Experimental constraints on degassing of magma: isothermal bubble growth during continuous decompression from high pressure
JE Gardner, M Hilton, MR Carroll
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 168 (1-2), 201-218, 1999
Experimental phase equilibria constraints on pre‐eruptive storage conditions of the Soufriere Hills magma
J Barclay, MJ Rutherford, MR Carroll, MD Murphy, JD Devine, J Gardner, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (18), 3437-3440, 1998
Experimental constraints on pre-eruptive water contents and changing magma storage prior to explosive eruptions of Mount St Helens volcano
JE Gardner, M Rutherford, S Carey, H Sigurdsson
Bulletin of Volcanology 57, 1-17, 1995
Experimental constraints on degassing and permeability in volcanic conduit flow
A Burgisser, JE Gardner
Bulletin of volcanology 67, 42-56, 2004
Petrologic evidence for pre‐eruptive pressure‐temperature conditions, and recent reheating, of andesitic magma erupting at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, WI
JD Devine, MD Murphy, MJ Rutherford, J Barclay, RSJ Sparks, MR Carroll, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (19), 3669-3672, 1998
Variations in column height and magma discharge during the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens
S Carey, H Sigurdsson, JE Gardner, W Criswell
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 43 (1-4), 99-112, 1990
The influence of magma ascent path on the texture, mineralogy, and formation of hornblende reaction rims
BL Browne, JE Gardner
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 246 (3-4), 161-176, 2006
“Corrigendum to Eyewitness, stratigraphy, chemistry, and eruptive dynamics of the 1913 Plinian eruption of Volcan de Colima, Mexico”[Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal …
R Saucedo, JL Macías, JC Gavilanes, JL Arce, JC Komorowski, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 207 (1), 67, 2011
Petrologic and experimental evidence for the movement and heating of the pre-eruptive Minoan rhyodacite (Santorini, Greece)
E Cottrell, JE Gardner, MJ Rutherford
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 135 (4), 315-331, 1999
Degassing and microlite crystallization of basaltic andesite magma erupting at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
L Szramek, JE Gardner, J Larsen
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal research 157 (1-3), 182-201, 2006
Heterogeneous bubble nucleation on Fe-Ti oxide crystals in high-silica rhyolitic melts
JE Gardner, MH Denis
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (17), 3587-3597, 2004
Petrologic determination of ascent rates for the 1995–1997 Soufriere Hills Volcano andesitic magma
JD Devine, MJ Rutherford, JE Gardner
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (19), 3673-3676, 1998
Repeated recharge, assimilation, and hybridization in magmas erupted from El Chichón as recorded by plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts
BJ Andrews, JE Gardner, TB Housh
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 175 (4), 415-426, 2008
Rates of magma ascent
MJ Rutherford, JE Gardner, H Sigurdsson
Encyclopedia of volcanoes, 207-217, 2000
Did magma ascent rate control the explosive-effusive transition at the Inyo volcanic chain, California?
JM Castro, JE Gardner
Geology 36 (4), 279-282, 2008
Bubble growth in highly viscous silicate melts during continuous decompression from high pressure
JE Gardner, M Hilton, MR Carroll
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (8), 1473-1483, 2000
Reaction rim growth on olivine in silicic melts: Implications for magma mixing
ML Coombs, JE Gardner
American Mineralogist 89 (5-6), 748-758, 2004
A caldera-forming eruption~ 14,100 14C yr BP at Popocatépetl volcano, México: Insights from eruption dynamics and magma mixing
G Sosa-Ceballos, JE Gardner, C Siebe, JL Macías
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 213, 27-40, 2012
論文 1–20