Sheila S Hemami
Sheila S Hemami
Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Northeastern University
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Cited by
Frequency-tuned salient region detection
R Achanta, S Hemami, F Estrada, S Susstrunk
2009 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 1597-1604, 2009
VSNR: A wavelet-based visual signal-to-noise ratio for natural images
DM Chandler, SS Hemami
IEEE transactions on image processing 16 (9), 2284-2298, 2007
Regularity-preserving image interpolation
W Knox Carey, DB Chuang, SS Hemami
Image Processing, 1997. Proceedings., International Conference on 1, 901-904 …, 1997
Transform coded image reconstruction exploiting interblock correlation
SS Hemami, THY Meng
IEEE Transactions on Image processing 4 (7), 1023-1027, 1995
No-reference image and video quality estimation: Applications and human-motivated design
SS Hemami, AR Reibman
Signal processing: Image communication 25 (7), 469-481, 2010
A scalable wavelet-based video distortion metric and applications
M Masry, SS Hemami, Y Sermadevi
IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 16 (2), 260-273, 2006
Understanding and simplifying the structural similarity metric
DM Rouse, SS Hemami
2008 15th IEEE international conference on image processing, 1188-1191, 2008
Dynamic contrast-based quantization for lossy wavelet image compression
DM Chandler, SS Hemami
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 14 (4), 397-410, 2005
Subband-coded image reconstruction for lossy packet networks
SS Hemami, RM Gray
Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 6 (4), 523-539, 1997
A metric for continuous quality evaluation of compressed video with severe distortions
MA Masry, SS Hemami
Signal processing: Image communication 19 (2), 133-146, 2004
Perceptual visual signal compression and transmission
HR Wu, AR Reibman, W Lin, F Pereira, SS Hemami
Proceedings of the IEEE 101 (9), 2025-2043, 2013
Analyzing the role of visual structure in the recognition of natural image content with multi-scale SSIM
DM Rouse, SS Hemami
Proc. SPIE: HVEI XIII 6806, 2007
Multiple description quantization via Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization
J Chen, C Tian, T Berger, SS Hemami
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52 (12), 5197-5217, 2006
Effects of natural images on the detectability of simple and compound wavelet subband quantization distortions
DM Chandler, SS Hemami
JOSA A 20 (7), 1164-1180, 2003
Universal multiple description scalar quantization: analysis and design
C Tian, SS Hemami
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 50 (9), 2089-2102, 2004
MeTrix Mux visual quality assessment package
M Gaubatz, SS Hemami
From, 0
What's your sign?: Efficient sign coding for embedded wavelet image coding
A Deever, SS Hemami
Data Compression Conference, 2000. Proceedings. DCC 2000, 273-282, 2000
Lossless image compression with projection-based and adaptive reversible integer wavelet transforms
AT Deever, SS Hemami
IEEE transactions on image processing 12 (5), 489-499, 2003
A new class of multiple description scalar quantizer and its application to image coding
C Tian, SS Hemami
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 12 (4), 329-332, 2005
Generalized rate-distortion optimization for motion-compensated video coders
Y Yang, SS Hemami
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 10 (6), 942-955, 2000
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Articles 1–20