Kazuki Koketsu
Kazuki Koketsu
Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, and Keio University SFC
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A unified source model for the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
K Koketsu, Y Yokota, N Nishimura, Y Yagi, S Miyazaki, K Satake, Y Fujii, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 310 (3-4), 480-487, 2011
Joint Inversion of Near-and Far-field Waveforms and Geodetic Data for the Rupture Process of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake
S Yoshida, K Koketsu, B Shibazaki, T Sagiya, T Kato, Y Yoshida
Journal of Physics of the Earth 44 (5), 437-454, 1996
Joint inversion of strong motion, teleseismic, geodetic, and tsunami datasets for the rupture process of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
Y Yokota, K Koketsu, Y Fujii, K Satake, S Sakai, M Shinohara, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (7), 2011
A seismological overview of long-period ground motion
K Koketsu, H Miyake
Journal of Seismology 12, 133-143, 2008
Japan integrated velocity structure model version 1
K Koketsu, H Miyake, H Suzuki
Proceedings of the 15th world conference on earthquake engineering 1, 4, 2012
Modeling the rupture process of the 2003 September 25 Tokachi‐Oki (Hokkaido) earthquake using 1‐Hz GPS data
S Miyazaki, KM Larson, K Choi, K Hikima, K Koketsu, P Bodin, J Haase, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (21), 2004
Earthquake source fault beneath Tokyo
H Sato, N Hirata, K Koketsu, D Okaya, S Abe, R Kobayashi, M Matsubara, ...
Science 309 (5733), 462-464, 2005
The extended reflectivity method for synthetic near-field seismogram
Journal of Physics of the Earth 33 (2), 121-131, 1985
Pseudo-bending method for three-dimensional seismic ray tracing in a spherical earth with discontinuities
K Koketsu, S Sekine
Geophysical Journal International 132 (2), 339-346, 1998
An empirical spectral ground-motion model for Iran
H Ghasemi, M Zare, Y Fukushima, K Koketsu
Journal of seismology 13, 499-515, 2009
Scaling of characterized slip models for plate-boundary earthquakes
S Murotani, H Miyake, K Koketsu
Earth, planets and space 60, 987-991, 2008
Damaging Long-period Ground Motions from the 2003 Mw 8.3 Tokachi-oki, Japan Earthquake
K Koketsu, K Hatayama, T Furumura, Y Ikegami, S Akiyama
Seismological Research Letters 76 (1), 67-73, 2005
Joint inversion of strong motion and geodetic data for the source process of the 2003 Tokachi-oki, Hokkaido, earthquake
K Koketsu, K Hikima, S Miyazaki, S Ide
Earth, planets and space 56, 329-334, 2004
Finite-element simulation of seismic ground motion with a voxel mesh
K Koketsu, H Fujiwara, Y Ikegami
Pure and Applied Geophysics 161 (11), 2183-2198, 2004
Rupture processes of the 2004 Chuetsu (mid‐Niigata prefecture) earthquake, Japan: A series of events in a complex fault system
K Hikima, K Koketsu
Geophysical research letters 32 (18), 2005
Propagation of seismic ground motion in the Kanto basin, Japan
K Koketsu, M Kikuchi
Science 288 (5469), 1237-1239, 2000
Progress towards a Japan integrated velocity structure model and long-period ground motion hazard map
K Koketsu, H Miyake, H Fujiwara, T Hashimoto
Proceedings of the 14th World conference on earthquake engineering, S10-038, 2008
A proposal for a standard procedure of modeling 3-D velocity structures and its application to the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan
K Koketsu, H Miyake, Afnimar, Y Tanaka
Tectonophysics 472 (1), 290-300, 2009
境有紀, 纐纈一起, 神野達夫
日本建築学会構造系論文集 67 (555), 85-91, 2002
Specific distribution of ground motion during the 1995 Kobe earthquake and its generation mechanism
T Furumura, K Koketsu
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (6), 785-788, 1998
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Articles 1–20