Olivier Lartillot
Cited by
Cited by
A Matlab toolbox for musical feature extraction from audio
O Lartillot, P Toiviainen
International conference on digital audio effects 237, 244, 2007
A matlab toolbox for music information retrieval
O Lartillot, P Toiviainen, T Eerola
Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications: Proceedings of the 31st …, 2008
Prediction of Multidimensional Emotional Ratings in Music from Audio Using Multivariate Regression Models.
T Eerola, O Lartillot, P Toiviainen
Ismir, 621-626, 2009
Using machine-learning methods for musical style modeling
S Dubnov, G Assayag, O Lartillot, G Bejerano
Computer 36 (10), 73-80, 2003
Multi-Feature Modeling of Pulse Clarity: Design, Validation and Optimization.
O Lartillot, T Eerola, P Toiviainen, J Fornari
ISMIR, 521-526, 2008
Generalizability and simplicity as criteria in feature selection: Application to mood classification in music
P Saari, T Eerola, O Lartillot
IEEE Transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 19 (6), 1802-1812, 2010
Exploring relationships between audio features and emotion in music
C Laurier, O Lartillot, T Eerola, P Toiviainen
ESCOM 2009: 7th triennial conference of european society for the cognitive …, 2009
Modelling the relationships between emotional responses to, and musical content of, music therapy improvisations
G Luck, P Toiviainen, J Erkkilä, O Lartillot, K Riikkilä, A Mäkelä, ...
Psychology of music 36 (1), 25-45, 2008
Event-related brain responses while listening to entire pieces of music
H Poikonen, V Alluri, E Brattico, O Lartillot, M Tervaniemi, M Huotilainen
Neuroscience 312, 58-73, 2016
A musical pattern discovery system founded on a modeling of listening strategies
O Lartillot
Computer Music Journal 28 (3), 53-67, 2004
Mirtoolbox 1.6. 1 user’s manual
O Lartillot, P Toiviainen, T Eerola
Aalborg University, Denmark, 2014
Multi-dimensional motivic pattern extraction founded on adaptive redundancy filtering
O Lartillot
Journal of New Music Research 34 (4), 375-393, 2005
Automatic modeling of musical style
O Lartillot, S Dubnov, G Assayag, G Bejerano
International Computer Music Conference, ICMC Proceedings, 2001
O Lartillot
https://www. jyu. fi/hum/laitokset/musiikki/en/research/coe/materials/mirtoolbox, 2008
Mirtoolbox user’s manual
O Lartillot
Finnish Centre of Excelence in Interdisciplinary Music Research, 2011
Data analysis, machine learning and applications
O Lartillot, P Toiviainen, T Eerola, C Preisach, H Burkhardt, ...
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008
Genre-adaptive semantic computing and audio-based modelling for music mood annotation
P Saari, G Fazekas, T Eerola, M Barthet, O Lartillot, M Sandler
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 7 (2), 122-135, 2015
Exploring relationships between level of mental retardation and features of music therapy improvisations: a computational approach
G Luck, K Riikkilä, O Lartillot, J Erkkilä, P Toiviainen, A Mäkelä, ...
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 15 (1), 30-48, 2006
Motivic matching strategies for automated pattern extraction
O Lartillot, P Toiviainen
Musicae Scientiae 11 (1_suppl), 281-314, 2007
Timing is everything… or is it? Effects of instructed timing style, reference, and pattern on drum kit sound in groove-based performance
GS Câmara, K Nymoen, O Lartillot, A Danielsen
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 38 (1), 1-26, 2020
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Articles 1–20