Ute Roessner
Ute Roessner
確認したメール アドレス: anu.edu.au - ホームページ
A historical overview of natural products in drug discovery
DA Dias, S Urban, U Roessner
Metabolites 2 (2), 303-336, 2012
Simultaneous analysis of metabolites in potato tuber by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
U Roessner, C Wagner, J Kopka, RN Trethewey, L Willmitzer
the plant journal 23 (1), 131-142, 2000
Metabolic profiling allows comprehensive phenotyping of genetically or environmentally modified plant systems
U Roessner, A Luedemann, D Brust, O Fiehn, T Linke, L Willmitzer, ...
The Plant Cell 13 (1), 11-29, 2001
Potential of metabolomics as a functional genomics tool
RJ Bino, RD Hall, O Fiehn, J Kopka, K Saito, J Draper, BJ Nikolau, ...
Trends in plant science 9 (9), 418-425, 2004
Comprehensive metabolic profiling and phenotyping of interspecific introgression lines for tomato improvement
N Schauer, Y Semel, U Roessner, A Gur, I Balbo, F Carrari, T Pleban, ...
Nature biotechnology 24 (4), 447-454, 2006
GC–MS libraries for the rapid identification of metabolites in complex biological samples
N Schauer, D Steinhauser, S Strelkov, D Schomburg, G Allison, T Moritz, ...
FEBS letters 579 (6), 1332-1337, 2005
The genome of Chenopodium quinoa
DE Jarvis, YS Ho, DJ Lightfoot, SM Schmöckel, B Li, TJA Borm, ...
Nature 542 (7641), 307-312, 2017
Drought responses of leaf tissues from wheat cultivars of differing drought tolerance at the metabolite level
JB Bowne, TA Erwin, J Juttner, T Schnurbusch, P Langridge, A Bacic, ...
Molecular plant 5 (2), 418-429, 2012
Metabolic responses to salt stress of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars, Sahara and Clipper, which differ in salinity tolerance
Widodo, JH Patterson, ED Newbigin, M Tester, A Bacic, U Roessner
Journal of experimental botany 60 (14), 4089-4103, 2009
Enzymes of glycolysis are functionally associated with the mitochondrion in Arabidopsis cells
P Giegé, JL Heazlewood, U Roessner-Tunali, AH Millar, AR Fernie, ...
The Plant Cell 15 (9), 2140-2151, 2003
Parallel analysis of transcript and metabolic profiles: a new approach in systems biology
E Urbanczyk‐Wochniak, A Luedemann, J Kopka, J Selbig, ...
EMBO reports 4 (10), 989-993, 2003
Metabolic profiling of transgenic tomato plants overexpressing hexokinase reveals that the influence of hexose phosphorylation diminishes during fruit development
U Roessner-Tunali, B Hegemann, A Lytovchenko, F Carrari, C Bruedigam, ...
Plant Physiology 133 (1), 84-99, 2003
Plant metabolomics reveals conserved and divergent metabolic responses to salinity
DH Sanchez, MR Siahpoosh, U Roessner, M Udvardi, J Kopka
Physiologia plantarum 132 (2), 209-219, 2008
Facile synthesis, stabilization, and anti-bacterial performance of discrete Ag nanoparticles using Medicago sativa seed exudates
AI Lukman, B Gong, CE Marjo, U Roessner, AT Harris
Journal of colloid and interface science 353 (2), 433-444, 2011
A proposed framework for the description of plant metabolomics experiments and their results
H Jenkins, N Hardy, M Beckmann, J Draper, AR Smith, J Taylor, O Fiehn, ...
Nature biotechnology 22 (12), 1601-1606, 2004
Mass spectrometry imaging for plant biology: a review
BA Boughton, D Thinagaran, D Sarabia, A Bacic, U Roessner
Phytochemistry Reviews 15, 445-488, 2016
Analysis of the compartmentation of glycolytic intermediates, nucleotides, sugars, organic acids, amino acids, and sugar alcohols in potato tubers using a nonaqueous …
EM Farré, A Tiessen, U Roessner, P Geigenberger, RN Trethewey, ...
Plant Physiology 127 (2), 685-700, 2001
A combined reduction in activity of starch synthases II and III of potato has novel effects on the starch of tubers
A Edwards, DC Fulton, CM Hylton, SA Jobling, M Gidley, U Rössner, ...
The Plant Journal 17 (3), 251-261, 1999
Metabolome analysis: an introduction
SG Villas-Boas, J Nielsen, J Smedsgaard, MAE Hansen, ...
John Wiley & Sons, 2007
What is metabolomics all about?
U Roessner, J Bowne
Biotechniques 46 (5), 363-365, 2009
論文 1–20