Munetaka Sasaki
Munetaka Sasaki
Kanagawa University
確認したメール アドレス: kanagawa-u.ac.jp
Aging and memory effects in superparamagnets and superspin glasses
M Sasaki, PE Jönsson, H Takayama, H Mamiya
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (10), 104405, 2005
Comment on “Memory Effects in an Interacting<? format?><? format?> Magnetic Nanoparticle System”
M Sasaki, PE Jönsson, H Takayama, P Nordblad
Physical review letters 93 (13), 139701, 2004
Temperature Chaos and Bond Chaos in Edwards-Anderson Ising Spin Glasses:<? format?> Domain-Wall Free-Energy Measurements
M Sasaki, K Hukushima, H Yoshino, H Takayama
Physical review letters 95 (26), 267203, 2005
Strain-induced Néel temperature enhancement in corundum-type Cr2O3 and Fe2O3
Y Kota, H Imamura, M Sasaki
Applied Physics Express 6 (11), 113007, 2013
Deviations from perfect memory in spin glass temperature cycling experiments
M Sasaki, V Dupuis, JP Bouchaud, E Vincent
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 29, 469-479, 2002
Memory effect, rejuvenation and chaos effect in the multi-layer random energy model
M Sasaki, K Nemoto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 69 (7), 2283-2290, 2000
Temperature chaos, rejuvenation, and memory in Migdal-Kadanoff spin glasses
M Sasaki, OC Martin
Physical review letters 91 (9), 097201, 2003
Stochastic cutoff method for long-range interacting systems
M Sasaki, F Matsubara
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 77 (2), 024004, 2008
Scaling Analysis of Domain-Wall Free Energy in the Edwards-Anderson Ising Spin Glass<? format?> in a Magnetic Field
M Sasaki, K Hukushima, H Yoshino, H Takayama
Physical review letters 99 (13), 137202, 2007
Silicon oxide thin films prepared by vacuum evaporation and sputtering using silicon monoxide
M Sasaki, T Ehara
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 417 (1), 012028, 2013
Effect of lattice deformation on exchange coupling constants in Cr2O3
Y Kota, H Imamura, M Sasaki
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (17), 2014
Analysis on aging in the generalized random energy model
M Sasaki, K Nemoto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 69 (9), 3045-3050, 2000
Numerical study of aging in the generalized random energy model
M Sasaki, K Nemoto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 70 (4), 1099-1104, 2001
Scaling law and aging phenomena in the random energy model
M Sasaki, K Nemoto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 69 (8), 2642-2646, 2000
An efficient Monte-Carlo method for calculating free energy in long-range interacting systems
K Watanabe, M Sasaki
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (9), 093001, 2011
Temperature chaos in a replica-symmetry-broken spin glass model—A hierarchical model with temperature chaos
M Sasaki, OC Martin
Europhysics Letters 60 (2), 316, 2002
Enhancement of Spin Correlation in Cr2O3 Film Above Néel Temperature Induced by Forming a Junction With Fe2O3 Layer: First-Principles and Monte-Carlo …
Y Kota, H Imamura, M Sasaki
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 50 (11), 1-4, 2014
Reformulation of the stochastic potential switching algorithm and a generalized Fourtuin-Kasteleyn representation
M Sasaki
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (3 …, 2010
Microwave generation on geometrically constrained magnetic wall: effect of twist angle
K Matsushita, J Sato, H Imamura, M Sasaki
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79 (9), 093801, 2010
Aging phenomena of magnetization in a hierarchical diffusion model
M Sasaki, K Nemoto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 68 (4), 1148-1161, 1999
論文 1–20