Jolanda Spadavecchia
Jolanda Spadavecchia
確認したメール アドレス: upmc.fr
Solid state gas sensors: state of the art and future activities
S Capone, A Forleo, L Francioso, R Rella, P Siciliano, J Spadavecchia, ...
Journal of optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 5 (5), 1335-1348, 2003
Acetone and ethanol solid-state gas sensors based on TiO2 nanoparticles thin film deposited by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation
R Rella, J Spadavecchia, MG Manera, S Capone, A Taurino, M Martino, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 127 (2), 426-431, 2007
Surface plasmon resonance biosensors incorporating gold nanoparticles
EE Bedford, J Spadavecchia, CM Pradier, FX Gu
Macromolecular bioscience 12 (6), 724-739, 2012
Surface plasmon resonance: Signal amplification using colloidal gold nanoparticles for enhanced sensitivity
S Szunerits, J Spadavecchia, R Boukherroub
Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 33 (3), 153-164, 2014
Highly sensitive detection of DNA hybridization on commercialized graphene-coated surface plasmon resonance interfaces
O Zagorodko, J Spadavecchia, AY Serrano, I Larroulet, A Pesquera, ...
Analytical chemistry 86 (22), 11211-11216, 2014
Spin-coated thin films of metal porphyrin–phthalocyanine blend for an optochemical sensor of alcohol vapours
J Spadavecchia, G Ciccarella, P Siciliano, S Capone, R Rella
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 100 (1-2), 88-93, 2004
Targeted polyethylene glycol gold nanoparticles for the treatment of pancreatic cancer: from synthesis to proof-of-concept in vitro studies
J Spadavecchia, D Movia, C Moore, CM Maguire, H Moustaoui, S Casale, ...
International journal of nanomedicine, 791-822, 2016
Plasmonic photothermal destruction of uropathogenic E. coli with reduced graphene oxide and core/shell nanocomposites of gold nanorods/reduced graphene oxide
K Turcheniuk, CH Hage, J Spadavecchia, AY Serrano, I Larroulet, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 3 (3), 375-386, 2015
Optical gas sensing of TiO2 and TiO2/Au nanocomposite thin films
MG Manera, J Spadavecchia, D Buso, C de Julián Fernández, G Mattei, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 132 (1), 107-115, 2008
Surface plamon resonance imaging of DNA based biosensors for potential applications in food analysis
J Spadavecchia, MG Manera, F Quaranta, P Siciliano, R Rella
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 21 (6), 894-900, 2005
Au nanoparticles prepared by physical method on Si and sapphire substrates for biosensor applications
J Spadavecchia, P Prete, N Lovergine, L Tapfer, R Rella
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (37), 17347-17349, 2005
Piezoelectric immunosensor for direct and rapid detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) at the ng level
M Salmain, M Ghasemi, S Boujday, J Spadavecchia, C Técher, F Val, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 29 (1), 140-144, 2011
Development of extracellular vesicle-based medicinal products: A position paper of the group “Extracellular Vesicle translatiOn to clinicaL perspectiVEs–EVOLVE France”
AKA Silva, M Morille, M Piffoux, S Arumugam, P Mauduit, J Larghero, ...
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 179, 114001, 2021
Assessment of antioxidant and dermoprotective activities of gold nanoparticles as safe cosmetic ingredient
MB Haddada, E Gerometta, R Chawech, J Sorres, A Bialecki, S Pesnel, ...
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 189, 110855, 2020
Shape and size effect on photothermal heat elevation of gold nanoparticles: absorption coefficient experimental measurement of spherical and urchin-shaped gold nanoparticles
H Moustaoui, J Saber, I Djeddi, Q Liu, AT Diallo, J Spadavecchia, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (28), 17548-17554, 2019
Optical characterization and analysis of the gas/surface adsorption phenomena on phthalocyanines thin films for gas sensing application
J Spadavecchia, G Ciccarella, R Rella
Sensors and Actuators B: chemical 106 (1), 212-220, 2005
One‐Step Synthesis of Collagen Hybrid Gold Nanoparticles and Formation on Egyptian‐like Gold‐Plated Archaeological Ivory
J Spadavecchia, E Apchain, M Albéric, E Fontan, I Reiche
Angewandte Chemie 126 (32), 8503-8506, 2014
Metallophthalocyanines thin films in array configuration for electronic optical nose applications
J Spadavecchia, G Ciccarella, R Rella, S Capone, P Siciliano
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 96 (3), 489-497, 2003
Tunable design of gold (III)–doxorubicin complex–PEGylated nanocarrier. The golden doxorubicin for oncological applications
H Moustaoui, D Movia, N Dupont, N Bouchemal, S Casale, N Djaker, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (31), 19946-19957, 2016
Approach for plasmonic based DNA sensing: amplification of the wavelength shift and simultaneous detection of the plasmon modes of gold nanostructures
J Spadavecchia, A Barras, J Lyskawa, P Woisel, W Laure, CM Pradier, ...
Analytical chemistry 85 (6), 3288-3296, 2013
論文 1–20