NANKO, Kazuki
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Cited by
The total amounts of radioactively contaminated materials in forests in Fukushima, Japan.
S Hashimoto, S Ugawa, K Nanko, K Shichi
Scientific Reports 2, 416, 2012
Evaluating the influence of canopy species and meteorological factors on throughfall drop size distribution
K Nanko, N Hotta, M Suzuki
Journal of hydrology 329 (3-4), 422-431, 2006
Estimation of soil splash detachment rates on the forest floor of an unmanaged Japanese cypress plantation based on field measurements of throughfall drop sizes and velocities
K Nanko, S Mizugaki, Y Onda
Catena 72 (3), 348-361, 2008
Reductions in water, soil and nutrient losses and pesticide pollution in agroforestry practices: a review of evidence and processes
X Zhu, W Liu, J Chen, LA Bruijnzeel, Z Mao, X Yang, R Cardinael, ...
Plant and Soil 453, 45-86, 2020
Throughfall drop size distributions: a review and prospectus for future research
DF Levia, SA Hudson, P Llorens, K Nanko
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 4 (4), e1225, 2017
Predicted spatio-temporal dynamics of radiocesium deposited onto forests following the Fukushima nuclear accident
S Hashimoto, T Matsuura, K Nanko, I Linkov, G Shaw, S Kaneko
Scientific Reports 3, 2564, 2013
Spatial variability of throughfall under a single tree: Experimental study of rainfall amount, raindrops, and kinetic energy
K Nanko, Y Onda, A Ito, H Moriwaki
Agricultural and forest meteorology 151 (9), 1173-1182, 2011
Assessing raindrop impact energy at the forest floor in a mature Japanese cypress plantation using continuous raindrop-sizing instruments
K Nanko, N Hotta, M Suzuki
Journal of Forest Research 9, 157-164, 2004
Expressing stemflow commensurate with its ecohydrological importance
DE Carlyle-Moses, S Iida, S Germer, P Llorens, B Michalzik, K Nanko, ...
Advances in Water Resources 121, 472-479, 2018
Homogenization of the terrestrial water cycle
DF Levia, IF Creed, DM Hannah, K Nanko, EW Boyer, DE Carlyle-Moses, ...
Nature geoscience 13 (10), 656-658, 2020
A pedotransfer function for estimating bulk density of forest soil in Japan affected by volcanic ash
K Nanko, S Ugawa, S Hashimoto, A Imaya, M Kobayashi, H Sakai, ...
Geoderma 213, 36-45, 2014
Physical interpretation of the difference in drop size distributions of leaf drips among tree species
K Nanko, A Watanabe, N Hotta, M Suzuki
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 169, 74-84, 2013
Throughfall partitioning by trees
DF Levia, K Nanko, H Amasaki, TW Giambelluca, N Hotta, S Iida, ...
Hydrological Processes 33 (12), 1698-1708, 2019
Effect of canopy thickness and canopy saturation on the amount and kinetic energy of throughfall: An experimental approach
K Nanko, Y Onda, A Ito, H Moriwaki
Geophysical research letters 35 (5), L05401, 2008
Differences in throughfall drop size distributions in the presence and absence of foliage
K Nanko, SA Hudson, DF Levia
Hydrological Sciences Journal 61 (3), 620-627, 2016
Effect of canopy interception on spatial variability and isotopic composition of throughfall in Japanese cypress plantations
H Kato, Y Onda, K Nanko, T Gomi, T Yamanaka, S Kawaguchi
Journal of Hydrology 504, 1-11, 2013
Erosion potential under Miconia calvescens stands on the Island of Hawai‘i
K Nanko, TW Giambelluca, RA Sutherland, RG Mudd, MA Nullet, ...
Land Degradation & Development 26 (3), 218-226, 2015
Advancing ecohydrology in the 21st century: A convergence of opportunities
AJ Guswa, D Tetzlaff, JS Selker, DE Carlyle‐Moses, EW Boyer, M Bruen, ...
Ecohydrology 13 (4), e2208, 2020
The effect of slope angle on splash detachment in an unmanaged Japanese cypress plantation forest
S Mizugaki, K Nanko, Y Onda
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 24 (5), 576-587, 2010
Characteristics of soil erosion in a moso-bamboo forest of western Japan: Comparison with a broadleaved forest and a coniferous forest
Y Shinohara, Y Misumi, T Kubota, K Nanko
Catena 172, 451-460, 2019
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Articles 1–20