Google search intensity and its relationship with returns and trading volume of Japanese stocks F Takeda, T Wakao Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 27, 1-18, 2014 | 250 | 2014 |
Investor Attention and Google Search Volume Index: Evidence from an Emerging Market using Quantile Regression Analysis V Swamy, M Dharani, F Takeda Research in International Business and Finance 50 (December), 1-17, 2019 | 92 | 2019 |
Nowcasting of the US Unemployment Rate Using Google Trends S Nagao, F Takeda, R Tanaka Finance Research Letters 30 (September), 103-109, 2019 | 79 | 2019 |
Google search intensity and its relationship to the returns and liquidity of Japanese startup stocks Y Adachi, M Masuda, F Takeda Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 46 (B), 243-257, 2017 | 79 | 2017 |
Stock market reactions to audit failure in Japan: The case of Kanebo and ChuoAoyama S Numata, F Takeda The International Journal of Accounting 45 (2), 175-199, 2010 | 69 | 2010 |
A change in market responses to the environmental management ranking in Japan F Takeda, T Tomozawa Ecological Economics 67 (3), 465-472, 2008 | 69 | 2008 |
The effect of the Fukushima nuclear accident on stock prices of electric power utilities in Japan S Kawashima, F Takeda Energy Economics 34 (6), 2029-2038, 2012 | 68 | 2012 |
The impact of XBRL adoption on theinformation environment: Evidence from Japan Z Bai, M Sakaue, F Takeda The Japanese Accounting Review 4 (2014), 49-74, 2014 | 54 | 2014 |
Market reactions to sport sponsorship announcements: Comparison between sponsors and their rivals Y Hino, F Takeda Sport Management Review 23 (3), 401-413, 2020 | 50 | 2020 |
Stock price reactions to public TV programs on listed Japanese companies F Takeda, H Yamazaki Economics Bulletin 13 (7), 1-7, 2006 | 46 | 2006 |
The economic impact of herd behavior in the Japanese loan market R Nakagawa, H Oiwa, F Takeda Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 20 (4), 600-613, 2012 | 41 | 2012 |
IFRS Adoption and Stock Prices of Japanese Firms in Governance System Transition S Sato, F Takeda International Journal of Accounting 52 (4), 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Information content of internal control weaknesses: The evidence from Japan R Nishizaki, Y Takano, F Takeda The International Journal of Accounting 49 (1), 1-26, 2014 | 37 | 2014 |
Global audit firm networks and their reputation risk Y Saito, F Takeda Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance 29 (3), 203-237, 2014 | 37 | 2014 |
An empirical study on stock price responses to the release of the environmental management ranking in Japan F Takeda, T Tomozawa Economics Bulletin 13 (5), 1-4, 2006 | 37 | 2006 |
The impact of information technology investment announcements on the market value of the Japanese regional banks F Takeda, K Takeda, T Takemura, R Ueda Finance Research Letters 41, 101811, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
An empirical study on the impact of environmentally friendly news on stock prices in Japan S Nagayama, F Takeda Asia-Pacific Economic Association 2006 Meeting, 2006 | 25 | 2006 |
Trade and the Environment in East Asia: Examining the Linkages with Japan and the USA F Takeda, K Matsuura Journal of the Korean Economy 7 (1), 33-56, 2006 | 23 | 2006 |
Reputation of low-quality Big 4 and non-Big 4 auditors: Evidence from auditor switches of former ChuoAoyama clients H Murase, S Numata, F Takeda Journal of Governance and Regulation, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
Characteristics and stock prices of firms flamed on the Internet: The evidence from Japan Y Adachi, F Takeda Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 17, 49-61, 2016 | 20* | 2016 |