Ilkka Laakso
Ilkka Laakso
Associate Professor, Aalto University
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Inter-subject variability in electric fields of motor cortical tDCS
I Laakso, S Tanaka, S Koyama, V De Santis, A Hirata
Brain stimulation 8 (5), 906-913, 2015
Effects of coil orientation on the electric field induced by TMS over the hand motor area
I Laakso, A Hirata, Y Ugawa
Physics in Medicine & Biology 59 (1), 203, 2013
Fast multigrid-based computation of the induced electric field for transcranial magnetic stimulation
I Laakso, A Hirata
Physics in Medicine and Biology 57 (23), 7753, 2012
Can electric fields explain inter-individual variability in transcranial direct current stimulation of the motor cortex?
I Laakso, M Mikkonen, S Koyama, A Hirata, S Tanaka
Scientific reports 9 (1), 626, 2019
Electric fields of motor and frontal tDCS in a standard brain space: a computer simulation study
I Laakso, S Tanaka, M Mikkonen, S Koyama, N Sadato, A Hirata
Neuroimage 137, 140-151, 2016
Computational analysis shows why transcranial alternating current stimulation induces retinal phosphenes
I Laakso, A Hirata
Journal of neural engineering 10 (4), 046009, 2013
Reducing the staircasing error in computational dosimetry of low-frequency electromagnetic fields
I Laakso, A Hirata
Physics in medicine & biology 57 (4), N25, 2012
Assessment of human exposure to electromagnetic fields: Review and future directions
A Hirata, Y Diao, T Onishi, K Sasaki, S Ahn, D Colombi, V De Santis, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 63 (5), 1619-1630, 2021
Cost of focality in TDCS: Interindividual variability in electric fields
M Mikkonen, I Laakso, S Tanaka, A Hirata
Brain stimulation 13 (1), 117-124, 2020
Where and what TMS activates: experiments and modeling
I Laakso, T Murakami, A Hirata, Y Ugawa
Brain Stimulation 11 (1), 166-174, 2018
Evaluation of SAR in a human body model due to wireless power transmission in the 10 MHz band
I Laakso, S Tsuchida, A Hirata, Y Kamimura
Physics in Medicine & Biology 57 (15), 4991, 2012
Confirmation of quasi-static approximation in SAR evaluation for a wireless power transfer system
A Hirata, F Ito, I Laakso
Physics in Medicine & Biology 58 (17), N241, 2013
On the averaging area for incident power density for human exposure limits at frequencies over 6 GHz
Y Hashimoto, A Hirata, R Morimoto, S Aonuma, I Laakso, K Jokela, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 62 (8), 3124, 2017
SAR variation study from 300 to 5000 MHz for 15 voxel models including different postures
T Uusitupa, I Laakso, S Ilvonen, K Nikoskinen
Physics in Medicine & Biology 55 (4), 1157, 2010
Evaluation of the induced electric field and compliance procedure for a wireless power transfer system in an electrical vehicle
I Laakso, A Hirata
Physics in Medicine & Biology 58 (21), 7583, 2013
Dominant factors affecting temperature rise in simulations of human thermoregulation during RF exposure
I Laakso, A Hirata
Physics in Medicine & Biology 56 (23), 7449, 2011
Atlas of optimal coil orientation and position for TMS: A computational study
J Gomez-Tames, A Hamasaka, I Laakso, A Hirata, Y Ugawa
Brain stimulation 11 (4), 839-848, 2018
Human exposure to radiofrequency energy above 6 GHz: Review of computational dosimetry studies
A Hirata, S Kodera, K Sasaki, J Gomez-Tames, I Laakso, A Wood, ...
Physics in medicine & biology 66 (8), 08TR01, 2021
An equivalent skin conductivity model for low-frequency magnetic field dosimetry
V De Santis, XL Chen, I Laakso, A Hirata
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 1 (1), 015201, 2015
Efficiently searching through large tACS parameter spaces using closed-loop Bayesian optimization
R Lorenz, LE Simmons, RP Monti, JL Arthur, S Limal, I Laakso, R Leech, ...
Brain stimulation 12 (6), 1484-1489, 2019
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Articles 1–20