The black box society: The secret algorithms that control money and information F Pasquale Harvard University Press, 2015 | 6189 | 2015 |
The scored society: Due process for automated predictions DK Citron, F Pasquale Wash. L. Rev. 89, 1, 2014 | 1741 | 2014 |
Federal search commission-access, fairness, and accountability in the law of search O Bracha, F Pasquale Cornell L. Rev. 93, 1149, 2007 | 443 | 2007 |
Ten simple rules for responsible big data research M Zook, S Barocas, D Boyd, K Crawford, E Keller, SP Gangadharan, ... PLoS computational biology 13 (3), e1005399, 2017 | 362 | 2017 |
Two narratives of platform capitalism F Pasquale Yale L. & Pol'y Rev. 35, 309, 2016 | 355 | 2016 |
New laws of robotics F Pasquale Harvard University Press, 2020 | 337 | 2020 |
The spectrum of control: A social theory of the smart city J Sadowski, F Pasquale First Monday 20 (7), 2015 | 304 | 2015 |
A rule of persons, not machines: the limits of legal automation F Pasquale Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 87, 1, 2019 | 294 | 2019 |
Beyond innovation and competition: The need for qualified transparency in internet intermediaries F Pasquale Nw. UL Rev. 104, 105, 2010 | 221 | 2010 |
Governing AI safety through independent audits G Falco, B Shneiderman, J Badger, R Carrier, A Dahbura, D Danks, ... Nature Machine Intelligence 3 (7), 566-571, 2021 | 185 | 2021 |
Restoring transparency to automated authority F Pasquale J. on Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 9, 235, 2011 | 179 | 2011 |
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and bias in finance: toward responsible innovation K Johnson, F Pasquale, J Chapman Fordham L. Rev. 88, 499, 2019 | 172 | 2019 |
Privacy, antitrust, and power F Pasquale Geo. Mason L. Rev. 20, 1009, 2012 | 170 | 2012 |
Rankings, reductionism, and responsibility F Pasquale Clev. St. L. Rev. 54, 115, 2006 | 160 | 2006 |
Toward a fourth law of robotics: Preserving attribution, responsibility, and explainability in an algorithmic society F Pasquale Ohio St. LJ 78, 1243, 2017 | 148 | 2017 |
Network accountability for the domestic intelligence apparatus DK Citron, F Pasquale Hastings LJ 62, 1441, 2010 | 141 | 2010 |
Beyond Napster: using antitrust law to advance and enhance online music distribution M Fagin, F Pasquale, K Weatherall BUJ Sci. & Tech. L. 8, 451, 2002 | 113 | 2002 |
From territorial to functional sovereignty: The case of Amazon F Pasquale Law and Political Economy 6, 2017 | 102 | 2017 |
The Algorithmic Self. F Pasquale Hedgehog Review 17 (1), 2015 | 91 | 2015 |
Copyright in an Era of Information Overload: Toward the Privileging of Categorizers F Pasquale Vand. L. Rev. 60, 133, 2007 | 91 | 2007 |