Lorenzo Di Michele
Lorenzo Di Michele
Professor of Bionanoscience, University of Cambridge
確認したメール アドレス: cam.ac.uk - ホームページ
Multistep kinetic self-assembly of DNA-coated colloids
L Di Michele, F Varrato, J Kotar, SH Nathan, G Foffi, E Eiser
Nature communications 4, 2007, 2013
True molecular scale visualization of variable clustering properties of ryanodine receptors
I Jayasinghe, AH Clowsley, R Lin, T Lutz, C Harrison, E Green, ...
Cell Reports 22 (2), 557-567, 2018
Volume and porosity thermal regulation in lipid mesophases by coupling mobile ligands to soft membranes
L Parolini, BM Mognetti, J Kotar, E Eiser, P Cicuta, L Di Michele
Nature communications 6, 5948, 2015
Developments in understanding and controlling self assembly of DNA-functionalized colloids
L Di Michele, E Eiser
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (9), 3115-3129, 2013
Arrested demixing opens route to bigels
F Varrato, L Di Michele, M Belushkin, N Dorsaz, SH Nathan, E Eiser, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (47), 19155-19160, 2012
Aggregation dynamics, structure, and mechanical properties of bigels
L Di Michele, D Fiocco, F Varrato, S Sastry, E Eiser, G Foffi
Soft matter 10 (20), 3633-3648, 2014
Controlling self-assembly kinetics of DNA-functionalized liposomes using toehold exchange mechanism
L Parolini, J Kotar, L Di Michele, BM Mognetti
ACS Nano 10 (2), 2392–2398, 2016
Direct measurement of DNA-mediated adhesion between lipid bilayers
SF Shimobayashi, BM Mognetti, L Parolini, D Orsi, P Cicuta, L Di Michele
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (24), 15615-15628, 2015
Effect of inert tails on the thermodynamics of DNA hybridization
L Di Michele, BM Mognetti, T Yanagishima, P Varilly, Z Ruff, D Frenkel, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2 (3), 9-10, 2014
Thermophoretic Migration of Vesicles Depends on Mean Temperature and Head Group Chemistry
EL Talbot, J Kotar, L Parolini, L Di Michele, P Cicuta
Nature Communications 8, 15351, 2017
Crystallization of Amphiphilic DNA C-Stars
R Brady, NJ Brooks, P Cicuta, L Di Michele
Nano Letters 17 (5), 3276–3281, 2017
Cations regulate membrane attachment and functionality of DNA nanostructures
D Morzy, R Rubio-Sánchez, H Joshi, A Aksimentiev, L Di Michele, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (19), 7358-7367, 2021
Programmable interactions with biomimetic DNA linkers at fluid membranes and interfaces
BM Mognetti, P Cicuta, L Di Michele
Reports on progress in physics 82 (11), 116601, 2019
Reaction-diffusion patterning of DNA-based artificial cells
A Leathers, M Walczak, RA Brady, A Al Samad, J Kotar, MJ Booth, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (38), 17468–17476, 2022
Amphiphilic-DNA platform for the design of crystalline frameworks with programmable structure and functionality
RA Brady, NJ Brooks, V Foderà, P Cicuta, L Di Michele
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018
Emerging two-dimensional crystallization of cucurbit [8] uril complexes: From supramolecular polymers to nanofibers
J Barrio, J Liu, RA Brady, CSY Tan, S Chiodini, M Ricci, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (36), 14021-14025, 2019
Thermally driven membrane phase transitions enable content reshuffling in primitive cells
R Rubio-Sánchez, DK O’Flaherty, A Wang, F Coscia, G Petris, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (40), 16589-16598, 2021
Detection and susceptibility measurements of a single Dynal bead
L Di Michele, C Shelly, P de Marco, P See, D Cox, O Kazakova
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (6), 2011
Responsive core-shell DNA particles trigger lipid-membrane disruption and bacteria entrapment
M Walczak, RA Brady, L Mancini, C Contini, R Rubio-Sánchez, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 4743, 2021
Flexibility defines structure in crystals of amphiphilic DNA nanostars
RA Brady, WT Kaufhold, NJ Brooks, V Foderà, L Di Michele
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (7), 074003, 2019
論文 1–20