Extrinsic emotion regulation. Y Nozaki, M Mikolajczak Emotion 20 (1), 10, 2020 | 188 | 2020 |
Emotional competence and extrinsic emotion regulation directed toward an ostracized person. Y Nozaki Emotion 15 (6), 763, 2015 | 67 | 2015 |
Cross-cultural comparison of the association between trait emotional intelligence and emotion regulation in European-American and Japanese populations Y Nozaki Personality and Individual Differences 130, 150-155, 2018 | 62 | 2018 |
The relationship between trait emotional intelligence and interaction with ostracized others' retaliation Y Nozaki, M Koyasu PloS one 8 (10), e77579, 2013 | 56 | 2013 |
Individual and cultural differences in predispositions to feel positive and negative aspects of awe M Nakayama, Y Nozaki, PM Taylor, D Keltner, Y Uchida Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 51 (10), 771-793, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
Can we apply an emotional competence measure to an eastern population? Psychometric properties of the profile of emotional competence in a Japanese population Y Nozaki, M Koyasu Assessment 23 (1), 112-123, 2016 | 31 | 2016 |
自己領域と他者領域の区分に基づいたレジリエンス及びストレス経験からの成長と情動知能の関連 野崎優樹 パーソナリティ研究 20 (3), 179-192, 2012 | 26* | 2012 |
Effectiveness of extrinsic emotion regulation strategies in text-based online communication. Y Nozaki, M Mikolajczak Emotion 23 (6), 1714, 2023 | 24 | 2023 |
情動コンピテンスプロフィール日本語短縮版の作成 野崎優樹, 子安増生 心理学研究, 86.14207, 2015 | 20* | 2015 |
Effects of emotional intelligence on inhibiting retaliation for ostracism in Cyberball Y Nozaki, M Koyasu Psychologia 56 (3), 167-178, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
Evaluating the higher-order structure of the Profile of Emotional Competence (PEC): Confirmatory factor analysis and Bayesian structural equation modeling Y Nozaki, A Puente-Martínez, M Mikolajczak PloS one 14 (11), e0225070, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
大学入試に対する認知的評価とストレス対処が情動知能の成長感に及ぼす効果 野崎優樹, 子安増生 パーソナリティ研究 21 (3), 231-243, 2013 | 12* | 2013 |
定期試験期間の自他の情動調整行動が情動知能の変化に及ぼす影響 野崎優樹 教育心理学研究 61 (4), 362-373, 2013 | 11* | 2013 |
情動コンピテンスの成長と対人機能―社会的認知理論からのアプローチ ナカニシヤ出版 野崎優樹 | 7* | 2017 |
Interpersonal emotional intelligence reduces the gap in anger regulation confidence caused by self-other dissimilarity Y Nozaki, M Koyasu Psychologia 58 (1), 49-60, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
情動知能の機能に関する実験研究の課題と展望 野崎優樹 京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 60, 481-493, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
Instrumental motives in emotion regulation of one’s own and others’ anger: Testing cross-cultural similarities and differences between European Americans and Japanese Y Nozaki, R Kobayashi Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 55 (2), 189-215, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Emotional competence Y Nozaki, M Koyasu Wellbeing in Higher Education, 30-43, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
非専門家から見た多重知能理論内での情動コンピテンスの位置づけ 野崎優樹, 子安増生 心理学研究 86 (6), 555-565, 2016 | 2* | 2016 |
Not All Daydreaming Is Equal: A Longitudinal Investigation of Social and General Daydreaming and Marital Relationship Quality S Kajimura, Y Nozaki, T Goto, J Smallwood Frontiers in Psychology 13, 904025, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |