Tomohiro Furusato
Tomohiro Furusato
Associate Professor of Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University
確認したメール アドレス: nagasaki-u.ac.jp - ホームページ
Initiation mechanism of a positive streamer in pressurized carbon dioxide up to liquid and supercritical phases with nanosecond pulsed voltages
T Ihara, T Furusato, S Kameda, T Kiyan, S Katsuki, M Hara, H Akiyama
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (7), 075204, 2012
Weibull statistical analysis of pulsed breakdown voltages in high-pressure carbon dioxide including supercritical phase
T Kiyan, T Ihara, S Kameda, T Furusato, M Hara, H Akiyama
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (8), 1729-1735, 2011
Fractal analysis of positive pulsed streamer patterns in supercritical carbon dioxide
T Furusato, T Ihara, S Kameda, T Kiyan, S Katsuki, M Hara, H Akiyama
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 40 (10), 2425-2430, 2012
Initiation mechanism of a negative nanosecond pulsed discharge in supercritical carbon dioxide
T Furusato, T Ihara, T Kiyan, S Katsuki, M Hara, H Akiyama
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 40 (11), 3105-3115, 2012
Positive pulsed streamer in supercritical carbon dioxide
T Ihara, T Kiyan, S Katsuki, T Furusato, M Hara, H Akiyama
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (11), 2650-2651, 2011
Anomalous plasma temperature at supercritical phase of pressurized CO2 after pulsed breakdown followed by large short-circuit current
T Furusato, N Ashizuka, T Kamagahara, Y Matsuda, T Yamashita, ...
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 25 (5), 1807-1813, 2018
Influence of series resistance on dry-band discharge characteristics on wet polluted insulators
T Yamashita, R Ishimoto, T Furusato
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 25 (1), 154-161, 2018
Characteristics of shock waves generated by a negative pulsed discharge in supercritical carbon dioxide
H Tanoue, T Furusato, K Takahashi, S Hamid, R Hosseini, S Katsuki, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 42 (10), 3258-3263, 2014
Visualization of positive pulsed streamer in supercritical carbon dioxide by Schlieren method
T Furusato, T Ihara, S Kameda, T Kiyan, S Katsuki, M Hara, H Akiyama
2011 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, 280-284, 2011
Estimation of surface breakdown voltage of solid/gas composite insulation with embedded electrode
T Yamashita, K Iwanaga, T Furusato, H Koreeda, T Fujishima, N Asari, ...
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 23 (5), 3026-3033, 2016
Prebreakdown process of a negative nanosecond pulsed discharge in supercritical carbon dioxide
T Furusato, H Tanoue, S Katsuki, M Hara, H Akiyama
Applied Physics Express 7 (2), 026201, 2014
Simulation of voltage/current waveforms and contact area of pulsed surface discharge on water
T Furusato, Y Yamamoto, T Sakamoto, K Oura, Y Matsuda, T Yamashita
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 26 (2), 439-446, 2019
Dielectric recovery mechanism of pressurized carbon dioxide at liquid and supercritical phases
H Tanoue, T Furusato, T Imamichi, M Ota, S Katsuki, H Akiyama
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54 (9), 096102, 2015
Streamer branching and spectroscopic characteristics of surface discharge on water under different pulsed voltages
T Furusato, T Sadamatsu, Y Matsuda, T Yamashita
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 45 (4), 711-717, 2017
Improvement of insulation performance of solid/gas composite insulation with embedded electrode
T Yamashita, K Iwanaga, T Furusato, H Koreeda, T Fujishima, J Sato
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 23 (2), 787-794, 2016
Study of breakdown inside a supercritical fluid plasma switch
J Zhang, T Furusato, F Beckers, EJM van Heesch, EM Van Veldhuizen
2013 19th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference (PPC), 1-5, 2013
Underwater shock wave induced by pulsed discharge on water
T Furusato, M Sasaki, Y Matsuda, T Yamashita
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55 (11), 115203, 2021
Investigation of pulsed breakdown characteristics in high-pressure CO2 including supercritical phase under non-uniform electric field
T Kamagahara, N Ashizuka, T Furusato, T Fujishima, T Yamashita, ...
2017 IEEE 19th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), 1-4, 2017
Effect of voltage rise rate on streamer branching and shock wave characteristics in supercritical carbon dioxide
T Furusato, M Ota, T Fujishima, T Yamashita, T Sakugawa, S Katsuki, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 44 (12), 3189-3195, 2016
Critical current for phase shift of dry-band discharge on wet polluted insulators
T Yamashita, T Furusato, R Konishi, T Kurokawa, K Yaji
Journal of Electrostatics 97, 51-57, 2019
論文 1–20