Masahiko Hirao
Masahiko Hirao
Professor, Department of Chemical System Engineering, The University of Tokyo
確認したメール アドレス: chemsys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Decision framework for chemical process design including different stages of environmental, health, and safety assessment
H Sugiyama, U Fischer, K Hungerbühler, M Hirao
AIChE Journal 54 (4), 1037-1053, 2008
Collaborative activity with business partners for improvement of product environmental performance using LCA
K Nakano, M Hirao
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (11), 1189-1197, 2011
Life-cycle assessment of domestic and transboundary recycling of post-consumer PET bottles
J Nakatani, M Fujii, Y Moriguchi, M Hirao
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 15, 590-597, 2010
Using standard statistics to consider uncertainty in industry-based life cycle inventory databases (7 pp)
H Sugiyama, Y Fukushima, M Hirao, S Hellweg, K Hungerbühler
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10, 399-405, 2005
Ab initio molecular-dynamics study of defects on the reconstructed Si (001) surface
S Ihara, SL Ho, T Uda, M Hirao
Physical review letters 65 (15), 1909, 1990
Analysis of factors influencing consumers' proenvironmental behavior based on life cycle thinking. Part I: effect of environmental awareness and trust in environmental …
E Kikuchi-Uehara, J Nakatani, M Hirao
Journal of Cleaner Production 117, 10-18, 2016
A structured framework and language for scenario-based life cycle assessment
Y Fukushima, M Hirao
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 7, 317-329, 2002
Optimum budget allocation method for projects with critical risks
T Sato, M Hirao
International Journal of Project Management 31 (1), 126-135, 2013
Electronic structure and optical properties of hydrogenated silicon clusters
M Hirao, T Uda
Surface science 306 (1-2), 87-92, 1994
Evaluating nanotechnology opportunities and risks through integration of life-cycle and risk assessment
MP Tsang, E Kikuchi-Uehara, GW Sonnemann, C Aymonier, M Hirao
Nature Nanotechnology 12 (8), 734-739, 2017
Decision support method for the choice between batch and continuous technologies in solid drug product manufacturing
K Matsunami, T Miyano, H Arai, H Nakagawa, M Hirao, H Sugiyama
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57 (30), 9798-9809, 2018
Analysis of risk trade-off relationships between organic solvents and aqueous agents: case study of metal cleaning processes
E Kikuchi, Y Kikuchi, M Hirao
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (5), 414-423, 2011
A hierarchical activity model of chemical process design based on life cycle assessment
H Sugiyama, M Hirao, R Mendivil, U Fischer, K Hungerbühler
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 84 (1), 63-74, 2006
Framework for analyzing the effects of packaging on food loss reduction by considering consumer behavior
N Yokokawa, E Kikuchi-Uehara, H Sugiyama, M Hirao
Journal of cleaner production 174, 26-34, 2018
Environmental potential of reusing, renting, and sharing consumer products: Systematic analysis approach
E Amasawa, T Shibata, H Sugiyama, M Hirao
Journal of Cleaner Production 242, 118487, 2020
Practical method of assessing local and global impacts for risk-based decision making: a case study of metal degreasing processes
Y Kikuchi, M Hirao
Environmental science & technology 42 (12), 4527-4533, 2008
Designing interventions for behavioral shifts toward product sharing: The case of laundry activities in Japan
E Amasawa, Y Suzuki, D Moon, J Nakatani, H Sugiyama, M Hirao
Sustainability 10 (8), 2687, 2018
Design of recycling system for poly (methyl methacrylate)(PMMA). Part 1: Recycling scenario analysis
Y Kikuchi, M Hirao, T Ookubo, A Sasaki
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 19, 120-129, 2014
Method of assisting execution of plural simulation programs for coupled simulation
N Sagawa, M Nagasawa, S Ihara, K Kikuchi, M Hirao, K Ka, S Itoh, ...
US Patent 5,963,731, 1999
Environmental performance of biomass-derived chemical production: a case study on sugarcane-derived polyethylene
Y Kikuchi, M Hirao, K Narita, E Sugiyama, S Oliveira, S Chapman, ...
Journal of chemical engineering of Japan 46 (4), 319-325, 2013
論文 1–20