Model checking EM Clarke Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: 17th …, 1997 | 16102 | 1997 |
Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement E Clarke, O Grumberg, S Jha, Y Lu, H Veith Computer Aided Verification: 12th International Conference, CAV 2000 …, 2000 | 2709 | 2000 |
Model checking and abstraction EM Clarke, O Grumberg, DE Long ACM transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 16 (5), 1512-1542, 1994 | 2396 | 1994 |
Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement for symbolic model checking E Clarke, O Grumberg, S Jha, Y Lu, H Veith Journal of the ACM (JACM) 50 (5), 752-794, 2003 | 1344 | 2003 |
Model checking and modular verification O Grumberg, DE Long ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 16 (3), 843-871, 1994 | 737 | 1994 |
Abstract interpretation of reactive systems D Dams, R Gerth, O Grumberg ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 19 (2), 253-291, 1997 | 667 | 1997 |
Characterizing finite Kripke structures in propositional temporal logic MC Browne, EM Clarke, O Grümberg Theoretical computer science 59 (1-2), 115-131, 1988 | 621 | 1988 |
Verification tools for finite-state concurrent systems E Clarke, O Grumberg, D Long A Decade of Concurrency Reflections and Perspectives: REX School/Symposium …, 1994 | 462 | 1994 |
Verification of the Futurebus+ cache coherence protocol EM Clarke, O Grumberg, H Hiraishi, S Jha, DE Long, KL McMillan, ... Computer Hardware Description Languages and Their Applications, 15-30, 1993 | 447 | 1993 |
Progress on the state explosion problem in model checking E Clarke, O Grumberg, S Jha, Y Lu, H Veith Informatics: 10 Years Back, 10 Years Ahead, 176-194, 2001 | 359 | 2001 |
Efficient generation of counterexamples and witnesses in symbolic model checking EM Clarke, O Grumberg, KL McMillan, X Zhao Proceedings of the 32nd annual ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, 427-432, 1995 | 354 | 1995 |
Reasoning about networks with many identical finite-state processes EM Clarke, O Grumberg, MC Browne Proceedings of the fifth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed …, 1986 | 352 | 1986 |
State space reduction using partial order techniques EM Clarke, O Grumberg, M Minea, D Peled International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 2, 279-287, 1999 | 279 | 1999 |
Another look at LTL model checking E Clarke, O Grumberg, K Hamaguchi Computer Aided Verification: 6th International Conference, CAV'94 Stanford …, 1994 | 241 | 1994 |
Model checking and modular verification O Grumberg, DE Long International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 250-265, 1991 | 232 | 1991 |
Another look at LTL model checking EM Clarke, O Grumberg, K Hamaguchi Formal Methods in System Design 10, 47-71, 1997 | 228 | 1997 |
Efficient on-the-fly model checking for CTL G Bhat, R Cleaveland, O Grumberg Proceedings of Tenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 388-397, 1995 | 217 | 1995 |
Avoiding the state explosion problem in temporal logic model checking EM Clarke, O Grumberg Proceedings of the sixth annual ACM Symposium on Principles of distributed …, 1987 | 212 | 1987 |
Verifying parameterized networks using abstraction and regular languages EM Clarke, O Grumberg, S Jha CONCUR'95: Concurrency Theory: 6th International Conference Philadelphia, PA …, 1995 | 173 | 1995 |
25 years of model checking: history, achievements, perspectives O Grumberg, H Veith Springer Science & Business Media, 2008 | 167 | 2008 |