Sixing Xiong
Sixing Xiong
RIKEN;Huazhong University of Science and Technology
在 riken.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
A two-terminal perovskite/perovskite tandem solar cell
F Jiang, T Liu, B Luo, J Tong, F Qin, S Xiong, Z Li, Y Zhou
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (4), 1208-1213, 2016
Robust metal ion-chelated polymer interfacial layer for ultraflexible non-fullerene organic solar cells
F Qin, W Wang, L Sun, X Jiang, L Hu, S Xiong, T Liu, X Dong, J Li, Y Jiang, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1-8, 2020
12.5% flexible nonfullerene solar cells by passivating the chemical interaction between the active layer and polymer interfacial layer
S Xiong, L Hu, L Hu, L Sun, F Qin, X Liu, M Fahlman, Y Zhou
Advanced Materials 31 (22), 1806616, 2019
Conductivity enhancement of PEDOT: PSS films via phosphoric acid treatment for flexible all-plastic solar cells
W Meng, R Ge, Z Li, J Tong, T Liu, Q Zhao, S Xiong, F Jiang, L Mao, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (25), 14089-14094, 2015
Efficient colorful perovskite solar cells using a top polymer electrode simultaneously as spectrally selective antireflection coating
Y Jiang, B Luo, F Jiang, F Jiang, C Fuentes-Hernandez, T Liu, L Mao, ...
Nano letters 16 (12), 7829-7835, 2016
Tailoring vertical phase distribution of quasi-two-dimensional perovskite films via surface modification of hole-transporting layer
T Liu, Y Jiang, M Qin, J Liu, L Sun, F Qin, L Hu, S Xiong, X Jiang, F Jiang, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1-10, 2019
Chemical reaction between an ITIC electron acceptor and an amine-containing interfacial layer in non-fullerene solar cells
L Hu, Y Liu, L Mao, S Xiong, L Sun, N Zhao, F Qin, Y Jiang, Y Zhou
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (5), 2273-2278, 2018
Synergistic Effect of PbI2 Passivation and Chlorine Inclusion Yielding High OpenCircuit Voltage Exceeding 1.15 V in Both Mesoscopic and Inverted Planar CH3NH3PbI3 (Cl)Based …
F Jiang, Y Rong, H Liu, T Liu, L Mao, W Meng, F Qin, Y Jiang, B Luo, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (44), 8119-8127, 2016
Flexible nonfullerene organic solar cells based on embedded silver nanowires with an efficiency up to 11.6%
X Dong, P Shi, L Sun, J Li, F Qin, S Xiong, T Liu, X Jiang, Y Zhou
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (5), 1989-1995, 2019
Universal strategy to reduce noise current for sensitive organic photodetectors
S Xiong, L Li, F Qin, L Mao, B Luo, Y Jiang, Z Li, J Huang, Y Zhou
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (10), 9176-9183, 2017
Vertical stratification engineering for organic bulk-heterojunction devices
L Huang, G Wang, W Zhou, B Fu, X Cheng, L Zhang, Z Yuan, S Xiong, ...
ACS nano 12 (5), 4440-4452, 2018
Flexible all-solution-processed all-plastic multijunction solar cells for powering electronic devices
J Tong, S Xiong, Y Zhou, L Mao, X Min, Z Li, F Jiang, W Meng, F Qin, T Liu, ...
Materials Horizons 3 (5), 452-459, 2016
Optical properties and conductivity of PEDOT: PSS films treated by polyethylenimine solution for organic solar cells
Z Li, F Qin, T Liu, R Ge, W Meng, J Tong, S Xiong, Y Zhou
Organic Electronics 21, 144-148, 2015
Metal electrode–free perovskite solar cells with transfer-laminated conducting polymer electrode
F Jiang, T Liu, S Zeng, Q Zhao, X Min, Z Li, J Tong, W Meng, S Xiong, ...
Optics express 23 (3), A83-A91, 2015
The influence of the work function of hybrid carbon electrodes on printable mesoscopic perovskite solar cells
P Jiang, Y Xiong, M Xu, A Mei, Y Sheng, L Hong, TW Jones, GJ Wilson, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (29), 16481-16487, 2018
Flexible large-area organic tandem solar cells with high defect tolerance and device yield
L Mao, J Tong, S Xiong, F Jiang, F Qin, W Meng, B Luo, Y Liu, Z Li, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (7), 3186-3192, 2017
Indium tin oxide (ITO)-free, top-illuminated, flexible perovskite solar cells
F Qin, J Tong, R Ge, B Luo, F Jiang, T Liu, Y Jiang, Z Xu, L Mao, W Meng, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (36), 14017-14024, 2016
A nonionic surfactant simultaneously enhancing wetting property and electrical conductivity of PEDOT: PSS for vacuum-free organic solar cells
Z Li, W Meng, J Tong, C Zhao, F Qin, F Jiang, S Xiong, S Zeng, L Xu, B Hu, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 137, 311-318, 2015
Double-side responsive polymer near-infrared photodetectors with transfer-printed electrode
S Xiong, J Tong, L Mao, Z Li, F Qin, F Jiang, W Meng, T Liu, W Li, Y Zhou
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (7), 1414-1419, 2016
An amidinetype ndopant for solutionprocessed fieldeffect transistors and perovskite solar cells
L Hu, T Liu, J Duan, X Ma, C Ge, Y Jiang, F Qin, S Xiong, F Jiang, B Hu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (41), 1703254, 2017
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