Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh, Professor
Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh, Professor
Department of Physics, Central University of Haryana (CUH), INDIA
確認したメール アドレス: cuh.ac.in - ホームページ
Surface modification of graphene nanosheets with gold nanoparticles: the role of oxygen moieties at graphene surface on gold nucleation and growth
G Goncalves, PAAP Marques, CM Granadeiro, HIS Nogueira, MK Singh, ...
Chemistry of Materials 21 (20), 4796-4802, 2009
Enhanced heat transfer and friction factor of MWCNT–Fe3O4/water hybrid nanofluids
LS Sundar, MK Singh, ACM Sousa
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 52, 73-83, 2014
Hybrid nanofluids preparation, thermal properties, heat transfer and friction factor–a review
LS Sundar, KV Sharma, MK Singh, ACM Sousa
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 68, 185-198, 2017
Graphene oxide modified with PMMA via ATRP as a reinforcement filler
G Gonçalves, PAAP Marques, A Barros-Timmons, I Bdkin, MK Singh, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (44), 9927-9934, 2010
Investigation of thermal conductivity and viscosity of Fe3O4 nanofluid for heat transfer applications
LS Sundar, MK Singh, ACM Sousa
International communications in heat and mass transfer 44, 7-14, 2013
Amine-modified graphene: thrombo-protective safer alternative to graphene oxide for biomedical applications
SK Singh, MK Singh, PP Kulkarni, VK Sonkar, JJA Grácio, D Dash
ACS nano 6 (3), 2731-2740, 2012
Thermal conductivity and viscosity of stabilized ethylene glycol and water mixture Al2O3 nanofluids for heat transfer applications: An experimental study
LS Sundar, EV Ramana, MK Singh, ACM Sousa
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 56, 86-95, 2014
Thrombus inducing property of atomically thin graphene oxide sheets
SK Singh, MK Singh, MK Nayak, S Kumari, S Shrivastava, JJA Grácio, ...
ACS nano 5 (6), 4987-4996, 2011
Experimental investigation of forced convection heat transfer and friction factor in a tube with Fe3O4 magnetic nanofluid
LS Sundar, MT Naik, KV Sharma, MK Singh, TCS Reddy
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 37, 65-71, 2012
Experimental thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol and water mixture based low volume concentration of Al2O3 and CuO nanofluids
LS Sundar, MH Farooky, SN Sarada, MK Singh
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 41, 41-46, 2013
FTIR studies of nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes
A Misra, PK Tyagi, MK Singh, DS Misra
Diamond and related materials 15 (2-3), 385-388, 2006
Empirical and theoretical correlations on viscosity of nanofluids: a review
LS Sundar, KV Sharma, MT Naik, MK Singh
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 25, 670-686, 2013
Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol and water mixture based Fe3O4 nanofluid
LS Sundar, MK Singh, ACM Sousa
International communications in heat and mass transfer 49, 17-24, 2013
Large-area high-throughput synthesis of monolayer graphene sheet by Hot Filament Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition
R Hawaldar, P Merino, MR Correia, I Bdikin, J Grácio, J Méndez, ...
Scientific reports 2 (1), 682, 2012
Nanodiamond-Fe3O4 nanofluids: preparation and measurement of viscosity, electrical and thermal conductivities
LS Sundar, EV Ramana, MPF Graça, MK Singh, ACM Sousa
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 73, 62-74, 2016
Convective heat transfer and friction factor correlations of nanofluid in a tube and with inserts: a review
LS Sundar, MK Singh
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 20, 23-35, 2013
Enhanced thermal conductivity and viscosity of nanodiamond-nickel nanocomposite nanofluids
LS Sundar, MK Singh, EV Ramana, B Singh, J Grácio, ACM Sousa
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4039, 2014
Single-bilayer graphene oxide sheet impacts and underlying potential mechanism assessment in germinating faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
NA Anjum, N Singh, MK Singh, I Sayeed, AC Duarte, E Pereira, I Ahmad
Science of the Total Environment 472, 834-841, 2014
Experimental investigation of Al2O3/water nanofluids on the effectiveness of solar flat-plate collectors with and without twisted tape inserts
LS Sundar, MK Singh, V Punnaiah, ACM Sousa
Renewable energy 119, 820-833, 2018
Self-assembly of tetramers of 5, 6-dihydroxyindole explains the primary physical properties of eumelanin: Experiment, simulation, and design
CT Chen, V Ball, JJ de Almeida Gracio, MK Singh, V Toniazzo, D Ruch, ...
ACS nano 7 (2), 1524-1532, 2013
論文 1–20