Anggoro Tri Mursito
Anggoro Tri Mursito
確認したメール アドレス: lipi.go.id
Upgrading and dewatering of raw tropical peat by hydrothermal treatment
AT Mursito, T Hirajima, K Sasaki
Fuel 89 (3), 635-641, 2010
The effect of hydrothermal dewatering of Pontianak tropical peat on organics in wastewater and gaseous products
AT Mursito, T Hirajima, K Sasaki, S Kumagai
Fuel 89 (12), 3934-3942, 2010
Alkaline hydrothermal de-ashing and desulfurization of low quality coal and its application to hydrogen-rich gas generation
AT Mursito, T Hirajima, K Sasaki
Energy Conversion and Management 52 (1), 762-769, 2011
Kinetics on roasting reduction of limonitic laterite ore using coconut-charcoal and anthracite reductants
HTBM Petrus, ADP Putera, E Sugiarto, I Perdana, IW Warmada, ...
Minerals Engineering 132, 126-133, 2019
Preparation of coke from Indonesian lignites by a sequence of hydrothermal treatment, hot briquetting, and carbonization
A Mori, MD Yuniati, AT Mursito, S Kudo, K Norinaga, M Nonaka, ...
Energy & fuels 27 (11), 6607-6616, 2013
Use of FTIR combined with forms of water to study the changes in hydrogen bonds during low-temperature heating of lignite
X Liu, T Hirajima, M Nonaka, AT Mursito, K Sasaki
Drying technology 34 (2), 185-193, 2016
Types and composition of biomass in biocoke synthesis with the coal blending method
E Yustanti, EY Wardhono, AT Mursito, A Alhamidi
Energies 14 (20), 6570, 2021
Characterization of bio-coal briquettes blended from low quality coal and biomass waste treated by Garant® bio-activator and its application for fuel combustion
AT Mursito, Widodo, DN Arifin
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology 7, 796-806, 2020
Surface physicochemical properties of semi-anthracitic coal from Painan-Sumatra during air oxidation
AT Mursito, T Hirajima, LN Listiyowati, S Sudarsono
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology 5, 156-166, 2018
Peningkatan daya serap karbon aktif terhadap ion logam hexavalent chromium (CrVI) melalui modifikasi dengan cationic surfactant (ethylinediamine)
ETS Agustinus, AT Mursito, H Sembiring
RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan 23 (1), 15-26, 2013
Hydrothermal treatment of hokkaido peat; An application of FTIR and 13C NMR spectroscopy on examining of artificial coalification process and development
AT Mursito, T Hirajima
Infrared spectroscopy—materials science, engineering and technology. InTech …, 2012
The effect of wood tar and molasses composition on calorific value and compressive strength in bio-coke briquetting
E Yustanti, A Muharman, AT Mursito
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development 11 (3), 600-607, 2022
Formation Mechanism of Titanium Silicon Carbide: The Effect of Different Composition of Starting Materials
AT Mursito, Z Sun
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 214 (1), 012023, 2017
The effects of hot briquetting on the coke strength in the biocoke making process with coal blending method
E Yustanti, H Kusumawati, T Partuti, AT Mursito
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 478 (1), 012025, 2019
Potential Application of Silica Mineral from Dieng Mountain in Agriculture Sector to Control the Release Rate of Fertilizer Elements
AT Mursito, EN Dida, BD Erlangga
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 214 (1), 012030, 2017
Producing bio-coke by redwood charcoal blending for blast furnace application
AT Mursito, A Muharman, E Yustanti
AIP Conference Proceedings 2232 (1), 2020
Mineralogi Bentonit Tasikmalaya Sebagai Media Penyerap CO2 Melalui Karbonasi Hidrotermal
A Yuliyanti, AT Mursito, W Widodo, SR Muharam
RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan 28 (1), 13-23, 2018
Raw Mix Design Klinker Semen Portland Alternatif Berbasis Limbah Asetilen dan Pozzolan Alam
AT Mursito
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Rekayasa Kimia dan Proses, Bandung, 21-22, 2004
Time Defendability of Ground Resistance Properties and Its Application of Vitric Tuff on the Development of Ground Enhancement Material
J Jakah, D Muslim, AT Mursito, Z Zakaria, H Nurohman
RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan 31 (2), 63-76, 2021
Perlindungan Petir, Sistem Pentanahan, dan Resistivitas Tanah: Studi Bibliometrik
J Jakah, D Muslim, A Mursito, Z Zakaria, E Sumarnadi
BACA: Jurnal Dokumentasi Dan Informasi 42 (2), 263-276, 2021
論文 1–20