m.salem ahmed
m.salem ahmed
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Experimental study on the effect of coupling parabolic trough collector with double slope solar still on its performance
M Fathy, H Hassan, MS Ahmed
Solar Energy 163, 54-61, 2018
An overview on adsorption pairs for cooling
AA Askalany, M Salem, IM Ismael, AHH Ali, MG Morsy, BB Saha
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 19, 565-572, 2013
Performance evaluation of a solar-driven adsorption desalination-cooling system
AS Alsaman, AA Askalany, K Harby, MS Ahmed
Energy 128, 196-207, 2017
Indoor air quality strategies for air-conditioning and ventilation systems with the spread of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic: Improvements and recommendations
AM Elsaid, MS Ahmed
Environmental Research 199, 111314, 2021
Hybrid solar desalination systems driven by parabolic trough and parabolic dish CSP technologies: Technology categorization, thermodynamic performance and economical assessment
MM Aboelmaaref, ME Zayed, J Zhao, W Li, AA Askalany, MS Ahmed, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 220, 113103, 2020
A state of the art of hybrid adsorption desalination–cooling systems
AS Alsaman, AA Askalany, K Harby, MS Ahmed
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 58, 692-703, 2016
Experimental work on the effect of saline water medium on the performance of solar still with tracked parabolic trough collector (TPTC)
H Hassan, MS Ahmed, M Fathy
Renewable energy 135, 136-147, 2019
Assessment of parabolic trough solar collector assisted solar still at various saline water mediums via energy, exergy, exergoeconomic, and enviroeconomic approaches
H Hassan, MS Yousef, M Fathy, MS Ahmed
Renewable Energy 155, 604-616, 2020
A review on adsorption cooling systems with adsorbent carbon
AHAMGM Ahmed A. Askalany, Mahmoud S. Ahmed, Ibrahiem M. Ismail
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 493-500, 2012
Effect of hybrid and single nanofluids on the performance characteristics of chilled water air conditioning system
MS Ahmed, AM Elsaid
Applied Thermal Engineering 163, 114398, 2019
A critical review of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems within the context of a global SARS-CoV-2 epidemic
AM Elsaid, HA Mohamed, GB Abdelaziz, MS Ahmed
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 155, 230-261, 2021
Energy, exergy, environmental, and economic analysis of natural and forced cooling of solar still with porous media
H Hassan, MS Yousef, MS Ahmed, M Fathy
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (30), 38221-38240, 2020
Desalination process using humidification -dehumidification technique : A detailed review
AGS A. S. A. Mohamed, M. Salem Ahmed, Hussein Maghrabie
International Journal of Energy Research, 1-52, 2020
Impact of condenser heat transfer on energy and exergy performance of active single slope solar still under hot climate conditions
H Hassan, MS Yousef, M Fathy, MS Ahmed
Solar Energy 204, 79-89, 2020
Impact of salty water medium and condenser on the performance of single acting solar still incorporated with parabolic trough collector
H Hassan, MS Ahmed, M Fathy, MS Yousef
Desalination 480, 114324, 2020
Theoretical and experimental study of a seawater desalination system based on humidification-dehumidification technique
ASA Mohamed, MS Ahmed, AG Shahdy
Renewable Energy 152, 823-834, 2020
Adsorption cooling system employing granular activated carbon–R134a pair for renewable energy applications
AA Askalany, BB Saha, MS Ahmed, IM Ismail
international journal of refrigeration 36 (3), 1037-1044, 2013
Performance evaluation of combined photovoltaic thermal water cooling system for hot climate regions
M Salem Ahmed, ASA Mohamed, HM Maghrabie
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 141 (4), 041010, 2019
Experimental study on adsorption –desorption characteristics of granular activated carbon /R134a pair
AHHAMGM Ahmed A. Askalany, M. Salem, I.M. Ismail
International journal of Refrigeration()., 494-498, 2012
“Effect of nozzle geometry on heat transfer characteristics from a single circular Air Jet
MAM Salem
Applied Thermal Engineering, 723-733, 2013
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