Takeshi Iinuma
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Episodic slow slip events in the Japan subduction zone before the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
Y Ito, R Hino, M Kido, H Fujimoto, Y Osada, D Inazu, Y Ohta, T Iinuma, ...
Tectonophysics 600, 14-26, 2013
Coseismic slip distribution of the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake (M9. 0) refined by means of seafloor geodetic data
T Iinuma, R Hino, M Kido, D Inazu, Y Osada, Y Ito, M Ohzono, H Tsushima, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B7), 2012
Prevalence of viscoelastic relaxation after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
T Sun, K Wang, T Iinuma, R Hino, J He, H Fujimoto, M Kido, Y Osada, ...
Nature 514 (7520), 84-87, 2014
Quasi real‐time fault model estimation for near‐field tsunami forecasting based on RTK‐GPS analysis: Application to the 2011 Tohoku‐Oki earthquake (Mw 9.0)
Y Ohta, T Kobayashi, H Tsushima, S Miura, R Hino, T Takasu, H Fujimoto, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B2), 2012
Periodic slow slip triggers megathrust zone earthquakes in northeastern Japan
N Uchida, T Iinuma, RM Nadeau, R Bürgmann, R Hino
Science 351 (6272), 488-492, 2016
Change in stress field after the 2011 great Tohoku-Oki earthquake
A Hasegawa, K Yoshida, Y Asano, T Okada, T Iinuma, Y Ito
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 355, 231-243, 2012
Stress before and after the 2011 great Tohoku‐oki earthquake and induced earthquakes in inland areas of eastern Japan
K Yoshida, A Hasegawa, T Okada, T Iinuma, Y Ito, Y Asano
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (3), 2012
Coseismic slip distribution of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake (M 9.0) estimated based on GPS data—Was the asperity in Miyagi-oki ruptured?
T Iinuma, M Ohzono, Y Ohta, S Miura
Earth, planets and space 63, 643-648, 2011
Seafloor observations indicate spatial separation of coseismic and postseismic slips in the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
T Iinuma, R Hino, N Uchida, W Nakamura, M Kido, Y Osada, S Miura
Nature communications 7 (1), 13506, 2016
Along-trench variation in seafloor displacements after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
F Tomita, M Kido, Y Ohta, T Iinuma, R Hino
Science advances 3 (7), e1700113, 2017
Coseismic fault model of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake deduced by a dense GPS network
Y Ohta, M Ohzono, S Miura, T Iinuma, K Tachibana, K Takatsuka, K Miyao, ...
Earth, planets and space 60, 1197-1201, 2008
Rapid mantle flow with power-law creep explains deformation after the 2011 Tohoku mega-quake
R Agata, SD Barbot, K Fujita, M Hyodo, T Iinuma, R Nakata, T Ichimura, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 1385, 2019
Learning from crustal deformation associated with the M9 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
K Wang, T Sun, L Brown, R Hino, F Tomita, M Kido, T Iinuma, S Kodaira, ...
Geosphere 14 (2), 552-571, 2018
Coupled afterslip and transient mantle flow after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
J Muto, JDP Moore, S Barbot, T Iinuma, Y Ohta, H Iwamori
Science Advances 5 (9), eaaw1164, 2019
Geodetic constraints on afterslip characteristics following the March 9, 2011, Sanriku‐oki earthquake, Japan
Y Ohta, R Hino, D Inazu, M Ohzono, Y Ito, M Mishina, T Iinuma, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (16), 2012
tFISH/RAPiD: Rapid improvement of near‐field tsunami forecasting based on offshore tsunami data by incorporating onshore GNSS data
H Tsushima, R Hino, Y Ohta, T Iinuma, S Miura
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (10), 3390-3397, 2014
Was the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake preceded by aseismic preslip? Examination of seafloor vertical deformation data near the epicenter
R Hino, D Inazu, Y Ohta, Y Ito, S Suzuki, T Iinuma, Y Osada, M Kido, ...
Marine Geophysical Research 35, 181-190, 2014
Co-and post-seismic slip associated with the 2005 Miyagi-oki earthquake (M7. 2) as inferred from GPS data
S Miura, T Iinuma, S Yui, N Uchida, T Sato, K Tachibana, A Hasegawa
Earth, planets and space 58 (12), 1567-1572, 2006
Heterogeneous rheology controlled postseismic deformation of the 2011 Tohoku‐Oki earthquake
J Muto, B Shibazaki, T Iinuma, Y Ito, Y Ohta, S Miura, Y Nakai
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (10), 4971-4978, 2016
First measurement of the displacement rate of the Pacific Plate near the Japan Trench after the 2011 Tohoku‐Oki earthquake using GPS/acoustic technique
F Tomita, M Kido, Y Osada, R Hino, Y Ohta, T Iinuma
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (20), 8391-8397, 2015
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Articles 1–20