Anthony Botelho
Cited by
Cited by
Incorporating rich features into deep knowledge tracing
L Zhang, X Xiong, S Zhao, A Botelho, NT Heffernan
Proceedings of the fourth (2017) ACM conference on learning@ scale, 169-172, 2017
Improving sensor-free affect detection using deep learning
AF Botelho, RS Baker, NT Heffernan
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 18th International Conference, AIED …, 2017
A memory-augmented neural model for automated grading
S Zhao, Y Zhang, X Xiong, A Botelho, N Heffernan
Proceedings of the fourth (2017) ACM conference on learning@ scale, 189-192, 2017
The automated grading of student open responses in mathematics
JA Erickson, AF Botelho, S McAteer, A Varatharaj, NT Heffernan
Proceedings of the tenth international conference on learning analytics …, 2020
Developing early detectors of student attrition and wheel spinning using deep learning
AF Botelho, A Varatharaj, T Patikorn, D Doherty, SA Adjei, JE Beck
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 12 (2), 158-170, 2019
Studying Affect Dynamics and Chronometry Using Sensor-Free Detectors.
AF Botelho, RS Baker, J Ocumpaugh, NT Heffernan
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2018
Improving Automated Scoring of Student Open Responses in Mathematics.
S Baral, AF Botelho, JA Erickson, P Benachamardi, NT Heffernan
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2021
Leveraging natural language processing to support automated assessment and feedback for student open responses in mathematics
A Botelho, S Baral, JA Erickson, P Benachamardi, NT Heffernan
Journal of computer assisted learning 39 (3), 823-840, 2023
Using big data to sharpen design-based inference in A/B tests
A Sales, AF Botelho, T Patikorn, NT Heffernan
Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on educational data mining, 2018
Toward personalizing students' education with crowdsourced tutoring
E Prihar, T Patikorn, A Botelho, A Sales, N Heffernan
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 37-45, 2021
The prediction of student first response using prerequisite skills
A Botelho, H Wan, N Heffernan
Proceedings of the Second (2015) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 39-45, 2015
Does slow and steady win the race?: Clustering patterns of students’ behaviors in an interactive online mathematics game
JE Lee, JYC Chan, A Botelho, E Ottmar
Educational technology research and development 70 (5), 1575-1599, 2022
Predicting student performance on post-requisite skills using prerequisite skill data: an alternative method for refining prerequisite skill structures
SA Adjei, AF Botelho, NT Heffernan
Proceedings of the sixth international conference on learning analytics …, 2016
The implications of a subtle difference in the calculation of affect dynamics
S Karumbaiah, J Andres, AF Botelho, RS Baker, JS Ocumpaugh
26th International Conference for Computers in Education, 29-38, 2018
Precise unbiased estimation in randomized experiments using auxiliary observational data
JA Gagnon-Bartsch, AC Sales, E Wu, AF Botelho, JA Erickson, ...
Journal of Causal Inference 11 (1), 20220011, 2023
Examining student effort on help through response time decomposition
A Gurung, AF Botelho, NT Heffernan
LAK21: 11th international learning analytics and knowledge conference, 292-301, 2021
Using past data to warm start active machine learning: Does context matter?
S Karumbaiah, A Lan, S Nagpal, RS Baker, A Botelho, N Heffernan
LAK21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 151-160, 2021
Machine-learned or expert-engineered features? Exploring feature engineering methods in detectors of student behavior and affect
AF Botelho, RS Baker, NT Heffernan
The twelfth international conference on educational data mining, 2019
Enhancing auto-scoring of student open responses in the presence of mathematical terms and expressions
S Baral, K Seetharaman, AF Botelho, A Wang, G Heineman, NT Heffernan
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 685-690, 2022
Refusing to try: Characterizing early stopout on student assignments
AF Botelho, A Varatharaj, EGV Inwegen, NT Heffernan
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on learning analytics …, 2019
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Articles 1–20