Saskia Koldijk
Saskia Koldijk
UMC Utrecht, The Nederlands
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The swell knowledge work dataset for stress and user modeling research
S Koldijk, M Sappelli, S Verberne, MA Neerincx, W Kraaij
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on multimodal interaction …, 2014
Detecting work stress in offices by combining unobtrusive sensors
S Koldijk, MA Neerincx, W Kraaij
IEEE Transactions on affective computing 9 (2), 227-239, 2016
Predicting future suicidal behaviour in young adults, with different machine learning techniques: A population-based longitudinal study
K Van Mens, CWM de Schepper, B Wijnen, SJ Koldijk, H Schnack, ...
Journal of affective disorders 271, 169-177, 2020
Reliability and validity of query intent assessments
S Verberne, M van der Heijden, M Hinne, M Sappelli, S Koldijk, ...
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64 …, 2013
Real-time task recognition based on knowledge workers' computer activities
S Koldijk, M Van Staalduinen, M Neerincx, W Kraaij
Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, 152-159, 2012
Deriving requirements for pervasive well-being technology from work stress and intervention theory: framework and case study
S Koldijk, W Kraaij, MA Neerincx
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 4 (3), e5341, 2016
Collecting a dataset of information behaviour in context
M Sappelli, S Verberne, S Koldijk, W Kraaij
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Context-Awareness in Retrieval and …, 2014
Unobtrusive monitoring of knowledge workers for stress self-regulation
S Koldijk, M Sappelli, M Neerincx, W Kraaij
User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization: 21th International …, 2013
Personalized support for well-being at work: an overview of the SWELL project
W Kraaij, S Verberne, S Koldijk, E de Korte, S van Dantzig, M Sappelli, ...
User modeling and user-adapted interaction 30, 413-446, 2020
Visual analytics of work behavior data-insights on individual differences
S Koldijk, J Bernard, T Ruppert, J Kohlhammer, MA Neerincx, W Kraaij
[Sl]: The Eurographics Association, 2015
Automatic recognition of context and stress to support knowledge workers
S Koldijk
Proceedings of the 30th european conference on cognitive ergonomics, D20-D23, 2012
Wearables: an R package with accompanying shiny application for signal analysis of a wearable device targeted at clinicians and researchers
P de Looff, R Duursma, M Noordzij, S Taylor, N Jaques, F Scheepers, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 16, 856544, 2022
Context-aware support for stress self-management: from theory to practice
SJ Koldijk
[Sl]:[Sn], 2016
Unobtrusively measuring stress and workload of knowledge workers
S Koldijk, M Neerincx, W Kraaij
Proceedings of Measuring Behavior, 2012
Finding kairos: The influence of context-based timing on compliance with well-being triggers
J Ham, J van Schendel, S Koldijk, E Demerouti
Symbiotic Interaction: 5th International Workshop, Symbiotic 2016, Padua …, 2017
Activity-logging for self-coaching of knowledge workers
SJ Koldijk, M Staalduinen, S Raaijmakers, I van Rooij, W Kraaij
[Sl]:[Sn], 2011
Fishualization: a group feedback display
J Schavemaker, E Boertjes, S Koldijk, L Wiertz, S Verberne, M Sappelli, ...
Measuring Behavior, 42, 2014
Privacy and user trust in context-aware systems
S Koldijk, G Koot, M Neerincx, W Kraaij
User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization: 22nd International …, 2014
D3V1. 1 Fishualization release and documents
J Schavemaker, S Koldijk, E Boertjes, RJG van Hall, W Kraaij, ...
Technical report, COMMIT/SWELL, 2014. URL http://www. swell-project. net …, 2014
Look what you've done! Task Recognition Based on PC Activities
SJ Koldijk
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Articles 1–20