Jon Sakata
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Cited by
Mechanisms underlying the social enhancement of vocal learning in songbirds
Y Chen, LE Matheson, JT Sakata
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (24), 6641-6646, 2016
Real-time contributions of auditory feedback to avian vocal motor control
JT Sakata, MS Brainard
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (38), 9619-9628, 2006
Integrating perspectives on vocal performance and consistency
JT Sakata, SL Vehrencamp
Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (2), 201-209, 2012
Social modulation of sequence and syllable variability in adult birdsong
JT Sakata, CM Hampton, MS Brainard
Journal of neurophysiology 99 (4), 1700-1711, 2008
Online contributions of auditory feedback to neural activity in avian song control circuitry
JT Sakata, MS Brainard
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (44), 11378-11390, 2008
Evolutionary insights into the regulation of courtship behavior in male amphibians and reptiles
SC Woolley, JT Sakata, D Crews
Physiology & behavior 83 (2), 347-360, 2004
2The morphEffect of septal lesions on male song and aggression in the colonial zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) and the territorial field sparrow (Spizella pusilla)
JL Goodson, R Eibach, J Sakata, E Adkins-Regan
Behavioural brain research 98 (1), 167-180, 1998
An avian basal ganglia-forebrain circuit contributes differentially to syllable versus sequence variability of adult Bengalese finch song
CM Hampton, JT Sakata, MS Brainard
Journal of neurophysiology 101 (6), 3235-3245, 2009
Behavioral correlates of differences in neural metabolic capacity
JT Sakata, D Crews, F Gonzalez-Lima
Brain Research Reviews 48 (1), 1-15, 2005
Developmental effects on intersexual and intrasexual variation in growth and reproduction in a lizard with temperature-dependent sex determination
D Crews, J Sakata, T Rhen
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and …, 1998
Sex steroid levels across the reproductive cycle of female leopard geckos, Eublepharis macularius, from different incubation temperatures
T Rhen, JT Sakata, M Zeller, D Crews
General and Comparative Endocrinology 118 (2), 322-331, 2000
Embryonic treatment with xenobiotics disrupts steroid hormone profiles in hatchling red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans).
E Willingham, T Rhen, JT Sakata, D Crews
Environmental Health Perspectives 108 (4), 329-332, 2000
Functional Connectivity among Limbic Brain Areas: Differential Effects of Incubation Temperature and Gonadal Sex in the Leopard Gecko, Eublepharis macularius
JT Sakata, P Coomber, F Gonzalez-Lima, D Crews
Brain, behavior and evolution 55 (3), 139-151, 2000
Importance of behavioral manipulations and measures in rat models of brain damage and brain repair
TA Jones, SD Bury, DAL Adkins-Muir, LM Luke, RP Allred, JT Sakata
ILAR journal 44 (2), 144-152, 2003
Social experience affects territorial and reproductive behaviours in male leopard geckos, Eublepharis macularius
JT Sakata, A Gupta, CP Chuang, D Crews
Animal Behaviour 63 (3), 487-493, 2002
Segregating variation for temperature-dependent sex determination in a lizard
T Rhen, A Schroeder, JT Sakata, V Huang, D Crews
Heredity 106 (4), 649-660, 2011
Developmental sculpting of social phenotype and plasticity
JT Sakata, D Crews
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 28 (2), 95-112, 2004
Evolutionary changes in dopaminergic modulation of courtship behavior in Cnemidophorus whiptail lizards
SC Woolley, JT Sakata, A Gupta, D Crews
Hormones and Behavior 40 (4), 483-489, 2001
Learning biases underlie “universals” in avian vocal sequencing
LS James, JT Sakata
Current Biology 27 (23), 3676-3682. e4, 2017
Social context rapidly modulates the influence of auditory feedback on avian vocal motor control
JT Sakata, MS Brainard
Journal of neurophysiology 102 (4), 2485-2497, 2009
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Articles 1–20