Anatol Itten
Anatol Itten
Delft University of Technology; University of Stuttgart; Disrupted Societies Institute
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Cited by
Public participation in crisis policymaking. How 30,000 Dutch citizens advised their government on relaxing COVID-19 lockdown measures
N Mouter, JI Hernandez, AV Itten
PloS one 16 (5), e0250614, 2021
Europeanization and institutional change in vocational education and training in Austria and Germany
C Trampusch
Governance 22 (3), 369-395, 2009
Co-creation as a social process for unlocking sustainable heating transitions in Europe
A Itten, F Sherry-Brennan, T Hoppe, A Sundaram, P Devine-Wright
Energy Research & Social Science 74, 101956, 2021
Including young people, cutting time and producing useful outcomes: Participatory Value Evaluation as a new practice of public participation in the Dutch energy transition
N Mouter, RM Shortall, SL Spruit, AV Itten
Energy Research & Social Science 75, 101965, 2021
Reason against the machine? Future directions for mass online deliberation
R Shortall, A Itten, M Meer, P Murukannaiah, C Jonker
Frontiers in Political Science 4, 946589, 2022
When digital mass participation meets citizen deliberation: combining mini-and maxi-publics in climate policy-making
A Itten, N Mouter
Sustainability 14 (8), 4656, 2022
Overcoming social division: Conflict resolution in times of polarization and democratic disconnection
AV Itten
Routledge, 2018
Mediation als Wissenschaftszweig
K Kriegel-Schmidt
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017
Can co-creation support local heat decarbonisation strategies? Insights from pilot projects in Bruges and Mechelen
C Manktelow, T Hoppe, K Bickerstaff, A Itten, M Fremouw, M Naik
Energy Research & Social Science 99, 103061, 2023
State-of-the-art report for co-creation approaches and practices with a special focus on the sustainable heating transition: Shifft work package 2 deliverable 2.1. 1
AV Itten, F Sherry-Brennan, A Sundaram, T Hoppe, P Devine-Wright
Provincie Zuid-Holland, 2020
Wie Bürger die Energiewende mitgestalten
A Itten, R Mono
Ökologisches Wirtschaften-Fachzeitschrift 29 (1), 20-21, 2014
Context and content toward consensus in public mediation
A Itten
Negotiation Journal 33 (3), 185-211, 2017
A common approach for sustainable heating strategies for partner cities
I Van de Vyver, C Harvey-Scholes, R Hoggett, T Hoppe, S Jansen, ...
SHIFFT INTERREG Proj. Rep., 2020
A structured approach for governing sustainable heat transitions in building renovation of towns and cities
C Harvey-Scholes, I Van de Vyver, PM Connor, A Dutta, T Hoppe, A Itten, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1085 (1), 012037, 2022
Inclusion, equality and bias in designing online mass deliberative platforms
R Shortall, A Itten, M van der Meer, PK Murukannaiah, CM Jonker
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.12711, 2021
Öffentliche Mediationsverfahren: Zwischen gesellschaftlichem Diskurs und Politikgestaltung
A Itten
Mediation als Wissenschaftszweig: Im Spannungsfeld von Fachexpertise und …, 2017
Mediation: Politikgestaltung im öffentlichen Raum
A Itten
Perspektive Mediation 13 (3), 164-170, 2016
The role of City Climate Networks in Promoting Citizen Participation in Municipalities: A Critical Multi-Case Analysis
M Zapata Arango, T Hoppe, A Itten, K Blok
Energy, Sustainability and Society 14 (1), 5, 2024
Overcoming Social Division
AV Itten
Conflict resolution in times of polarization and democratic disconnection, 2018
Das Harvard–Konzept und der Steuerstreit: ein Versuch der Synthese
A Itten
Universität Bern, 2008
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Articles 1–20