Deanna Grant-Smith
Cited by
Cited by
Towards networked governance: improving interagency communication and collaboration for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation in Australia
M Howes, P Tangney, K Reis, D Grant-Smith, M Heazle, K Bosomworth, ...
Journal of Environmental Planning & Management 58 (2), 757-776, 2015
Mainstreaming climate change adaptation: An incremental approach to disaster risk management in Australia
M Heazle, P Tangney, P Burton, M Howes, D Grant-Smith, K Reis, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 33, 162-170, 2013
In-depth interviewing
N Osborne, D Grant-Smith
Methods in Urban Analysis, 105-125, 2021
Ubiquitous yet Ambiguous: An Integrative Review of Unpaid Work
D Grant‐Smith, P McDonald
International Journal of Management Reviews 20, 559-578, 2018
Don't spend, eat less, save more: Responses to the financial stress experienced by nursing students during unpaid clinical placements
D Grant-Smith, L de Zwaan
Nurse Education in Practice 35, 1-6, 2019
WIL Wellbeing: Exploring the impacts of unpaid practicum on student wellbeing
D Grant-Smith, J Gillett-Swan, R Chapman
National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE), 2017
Building citizens: Participatory planning practice and a transformative politics of difference
J Cameron, D Grant-Smith
Urban Policy and Research 23 (1), 21-36, 2005
WIL wellbeing: A framework for managing the impacts of work-integrated learning on student quality of life
JK Gillett-Swan, D Grant-Smith
International Journal of Work Integrated Learning 19 (2), 129-140, 2018
Resisting the 'employability' doctrine through anarchist pedagogies and prefiguration
N Osborne, D Grant-Smith
Australian Universities' Review, The 59 (2), 59-69, 2017
Tales of science and defiance: the case for co-learning and collaboration in bridging the science/emotion divide in water recycling debates
EA Morgan, DCC Grant-Smith
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 58 (10), 1770-1788, 2015
What is environmental planning?
J Byrne, N Sipe, J Dodson
Australian Environmental Planning, 3-8, 2014
Constructing the cycling citizen: A critical analysis of policy imagery in Brisbane, Australia
N Osborne, D Grant-Smith
Journal of transport geography 64, 44-53, 2017
Planning to work for free: Building the graduate employability of planners through unpaid work
D Grant-Smith, P McDonald
Journal of Youth Studies 22 (2), 161-177, 2018
The trend toward pre-graduation professional work experience for Australian young planners: Essential experience or essentially exploitation
D Grant-Smith, P McDonald
Australian Planner 53 (2), 65-72, 2016
Managing the challenges of combining mobilities of care and commuting: an Australian perspective
D Grant-Smith, N Osborne, L Johnson
Community, Work & Family 20 (2), 201-210, 2017
Navigating employability from the bottom up
P McDonald, D Grant-Smith, K Moore, G Marston
Journal of Youth Studies 23 (4), 447-464, 2020
Rethinking disaster risk management and climate change adaptation
M Howes, D Grant-Smith, K Reis, K Bosomworth, P Tangney, M Heazle, ...
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, 2013
Addressing mentor wellbeing in practicum placement mentoring relationships in initial teacher education
J Gillett-Swan, D Grant-Smith
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education 9 (4), 393-409, 2020
The influence of professional identity and self-interest in shaping career choices in the emerging ICT workforce
J Tsakissiris, D Grant-Smith
International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning 22 (1), 1-15, 2021
Supporting mindful planners in a mindless system: limitations to the emotional turn in planning practice
N Osborne, D Grant-Smith
Town Planning Review 86 (6), 677-698, 2015
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Articles 1–20