The Effectiveness of New Inquiry-Based Learning (NIBL) for Improving Multiple Higher-Order Thinking Skills (M-HOTS) of Prospective Chemistry Teachers S Mitarlis, Suhadi Ibnu, Sri Rahayu European Journal of Educational Research 9 (3), 1309 - 1325, 2020 | 30* | 2020 |
Developing a three-tier diagnostic instrument on chemical equilibrium (TT-DICE) EBSS J. Jusniar, E. Effendy Educación Química 31 (3), 84-102, 2020 | 29 | 2020 |
Environmental literacy with green chemistry oriented in 21st century learning M Mitarlis, S Ibnu, S Rahayu, S Sutrisno AIP Conference Proceedings 1911 (1), 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Profile of The Indonesian Essential Oil from Melaleuca cajuputi HPA Sutrisno, Rini Retnosari Seminar Nasional Kimia - National Seminar on Chemistry (SNK 2018) 171 …, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Pemahaman Konseptual Siswa dengan Inkuiri Terbimbing Dipadu Pelatihan Metakognisi pada Materi Kelarutan dan Ksp AC Lalang, S Ibnu, S Sutrisno Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 211454, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Eliminating Misconceptions on Reaction Rate to Enhance Conceptual Understanding of Chemical Equilibrium Using EMBE-R Strategy. J Jusniar, E Effendy, E Budiasih, S Sutrisno International Journal of Instruction 14 (1), 85-104, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
FATTY ACIDS IN Tamaricus indicus Linn SEED OIL AND ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY ASSAY FFSM Sutrisno, Rini Retnosari Key Engineering Materials 811 (1), 40-46, 2019 | 15* | 2019 |
Physicochemical Properties and Antibacterial Activity of Castor Oil and Its Derivatives SM M I Fitranda, Sutrisno The 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science (IC2MS …, 2020 | 12* | 2020 |
Study of antibacterial activity of Tamarindus indica Linn seed oil and its fatty acids SM Sutrisno, Rini Retnosari The 5th International Seminar on Sciences, Bogor - West Java - Indonesia 299 …, 2019 | 12* | 2019 |
Miskonsepsi sifat keasaman larutan garam para guru kimia dan rekonstruksi konseptualnya OS Sutrisno,M. Muchso, Hayuni Retno Widarti J-PEK, Jurnal Pembelajaran Kimia 3 (2), 10-18, 2018 | 11* | 2018 |
The Misconception of Stoichiometry and Its Impact on the Chemical Equilibrium EB Sutrisno, Yusniar, Effendy 1st International Conference on Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (ICAMR …, 2018 | 10* | 2018 |
To enhance the purity and crystallinity of magnetite nanoparticles prepared by surfactant-free electrochemical method by imposing higher voltage SW F Fajaroh, Sutrisno, Nazriati 5th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium - NNS2013 1586, 179-182, 2014 | 10* | 2014 |
Antibacterial Activity of Free Fatty Acids, Potassium Soap, and Fatty Acids Methyl Esters from VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) SM T P Mena, Sutrisno The 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science (IC2MS …, 2020 | 9* | 2020 |
Instrumen Asesmen Pemahaman Konseptual Berorientasi Higher Order Thinking Skills Keterampilan Proses dan Sikap terhadap Sains pada Bahan Kajian Hidrokarbon dan Minyak Bumi DS Dwi Isnaini Amin, Sutrisno Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan 3 ( …, 2018 | 9* | 2018 |
Aktivitas Antibakteri Metabolit Sekunder dari Ekstrak Metanol Biji Alpukat (Persea americanaMill) RR Sutrisno, Karim Handoyo Journal Cis-Trans (JC-T) 1 (1), 16-20, 2017 | 8* | 2017 |
Antibacterial activity of potassium salt, fatty acids, and methyl esters of candlenut seed oil against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli HWW Sutrisno, Rensa Dwi Assyfah, Rini Retnosari, Ihsan Budi Rachman International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology (ICoLiST) 2231 …, 2020 | 7* | 2020 |
The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning with OE3R strategy for scientific argumentation skill HL Septyastuti, S Sutrisno, HR Widarti AIP Conference Proceedings 2330 (1), 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
The effectiveness of inquiry based learning with OE3R strategy for conceptual understanding of molecular shape of high school students’ HRW Sutrisno, Galo Ayu Megga Nanda The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Sciences Education …, 2020 | 6* | 2020 |
The antibacterial activity of vanillin derivative compounds R Retnosari, IB Rachman, S Sutrisno, MEF Sari, D Sukarianingsih, ... AIP Conference Proceedings 2349 (1), 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Terhadap Pemahaman Larutan Penyangga Dan Keterampilan Proses Sains Peserta Didik FD Sulistianingrum, S Sutrisno, M Su'aidy J-PEK (Jurnal Pembelajaran Kimia) 2 (1), 31-40, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |