Victor Debattista
Victor Debattista
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Constraints from dynamical friction on the dark matter content of barred galaxies
VP Debattista, JA Sellwood
The Astrophysical Journal 543 (2), 704, 2000
Riding the spiral waves: implications of stellar migration for the properties of galactic disks
VP Debattista, TR Quinn, GS Stinson, J Wadsley
The Astrophysical Journal 684 (2), L79, 2008
The secular evolution of disk structural parameters
VP Debattista, L Mayer, CM Carollo, B Moore, J Wadsley, T Quinn
The Astrophysical Journal 645 (1), 209, 2006
Beyond inside-out growth: formation and evolution of disk outskirts
VP Debattista, GS Stinson, TR Quinn, T Kaufmann, J Wadsley
The Astrophysical Journal 675 (2), L65, 2008
Dynamical friction and the distribution of dark matter in barred galaxies
VP Debattista, JA Sellwood
The Astrophysical Journal 493 (1), L5, 1998
Lsst science book, version 2.0
PA Abell, J Allison, SF Anderson, JR Andrew, JRP Angel, L Armus, ...
Thin, thick and dark discs in ΛCDM
JI Read, G Lake, O Agertz, VP Debattista
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 389 (3), 1041-1057, 2008
The Genesis of the Milky Way's thick disk via stellar migration
SR Loebman, VP Debattista, Ž Ivezić, TR Quinn, J Wadsley
The Astrophysical Journal 737 (1), 8, 2011
Morphological evolution of discs in clusters
C Mastropietro, B Moore, L Mayer, VP Debattista, R Piffaretti, J Stadel
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 364 (2), 607-619, 2005
The causes of halo shape changes induced by cooling baryons: disks versus substructures
VP Debattista, B Moore, T Quinn, S Kazantzidis, R Maas, L Mayer, J Read, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 681 (2), 1076, 2008
The NGC 404 nucleus: star cluster and possible intermediate-mass black hole
AC Seth, M Cappellari, N Neumayer, N Caldwell, N Bastian, K Olsen, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 714 (1), 713, 2010
Radial migration in disc galaxies—I. Transient spiral structure and dynamics
R Roškar, VP Debattista, TR Quinn, J Wadsley
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 426 (3), 2089-2106, 2012
Clues to nuclear star cluster formation from edge-on spirals
AC Seth, JJ Dalcanton, PW Hodge, VP Debattista
The Astronomical Journal 132 (6), 2539, 2006
Separation of stellar populations by an evolving bar: implications for the bulge of the Milky Way
VP Debattista, M Ness, OA Gonzalez, K Freeman, M Zoccali, D Minniti
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469 (2), 1587-1611, 2017
Measurement of fast bars in a sample of early-type barred galaxies
JAL Aguerri, VP Debattista, E Maria Corsini
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 338 (2), 465-480, 2003
Cold dark matter substructure and galactic disks. II. Dynamical effects of hierarchical satellite accretion
S Kazantzidis, AR Zentner, AV Kravtsov, JS Bullock, VP Debattista
The Astrophysical Journal 700 (2), 1896, 2009
The fate of supermassive black holes and the evolution of the MBH-σ relation in merging galaxies: The effect of gaseous dissipation
S Kazantzidis, L Mayer, M Colpi, P Madau, VP Debattista, J Wadsley, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 623 (2), L67, 2005
Bulges or bars from secular evolution?
VP Debattista, CM Carollo, L Mayer, B Moore
The Astrophysical Journal 604 (2), L93, 2004
Nearby early-type galactic nuclei at high resolution: dynamical black hole and nuclear star cluster mass measurements
DD Nguyen, AC Seth, N Neumayer, S Kamann, KT Voggel, M Cappellari, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 858 (2), 118, 2018
Misaligned angular momentum in hydrodynamic cosmological simulations: warps, outer discs and thick discs
R Roškar, VP Debattista, AM Brooks, TR Quinn, CB Brook, F Governato, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 408 (2), 783-796, 2010
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