Matthias Kersken
Matthias Kersken
Fraunhofer IBP
確認したメール アドレス: Kersken.eu
Whole model empirical validation on a full-scale building
P Strachan, K Svehla, I Heusler, M Kersken
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 9 (4), 331-350, 2016
IEA annex 58: Full-scale empirical validation of detailed thermal simulation programs
P Strachan, F Monari, M Kersken, I Heusler
Energy Procedia 78, 3288-3293, 2015
Experimental and numerical investigations for comparing the thermal performance of infrared reflecting insulation and of mineral wool
G Hauser, M Kersken, H Sinnesbichler, A Schade
Energy and buildings 58, 131-140, 2013
Method for the climate-independent determination of the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC; g-value) of transparent façade and membrane constructions from in situ measurements
M Kersken
Energy and Buildings 239, 110866, 2021
Ausstattung von Klassenräumen mit Einrichtungen zum Temperieren, Lüften und Belichten
RT Hellwig, M Kersken, S Schmidt
Bauphysik 31 (3), 157-162, 2009
Whole building validation for simulation programs including synthetic users and heating systems: experimental design
M Kersken, P Strachan, E Mantesi, G Flett
E3S Web of Conferences 172, 22003, 2020
Deploying building simulation to enhance the experimental design of a full-scale empirical validation project
E Mantesi, K Mourkos, C Hopfe, R McLeod, P Vatougiou, M Kersken, ...
Loughborough University, 2019
Reliable building energy performance characterisation based on full scale dynamic measurements-Report of Subtask 4a: Empirical validation of common building energy simulation …
P Strachan, K Svehla, M Kersken, I Heusler
KU Leuven, Leuven (Belgien). https://iea-ebc. org/Data/publications …, 2016
Analyse der Einsparpotenziale durch Smarthome- und intelligente Heizungsregelungen
M Kersken, H Sinnesbichler, H Erhorn
Bauphysik 40 (5), 276-285, 2018
Twin house experiment IEA EBC annex 71 validation of building energy simulation tools-specifications and dataset
M Kersken, P Strachan
Reliable building energy performance characterisation based on full scale dynamic measurements
P Strachan, K Svehla, M Kersken, I Heusler
Annex 58, 5, 2016
Full scale empirical validation for building energy simulation programs
M Kersken, I Heusler, P Strachan
Liège: 9th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, 2014
Untersuchungen zur Belüftung von Schulen
S Steiger, F Nöske, M Kersken, IRT Hellwig
Tagungsband Deutsche Kalte-Klima-Tagung, 3-12, 2008
Empirical Whole Model Validation Modelling Specification Validation of Building Energy Simulation Tools
P Strachan, I Heusler, M Kersken, MJ Jiménez
J. Build. Perform. Simul 9, 331-350, 2016
IEA EBC Annex 58-Report of Subtask 4a: Emperical validation of common building energy simulation models based on in situ dynamic data
P Strachan, K Svehla, M Kersken, I Heusler
Leuven: KU Leuven, 2016
Test Case Twin_House_Experiment_2. Validation of Building Energy Simulation Tools (Subtask 4). Version 4
P Strachan, I Heusler, M Kersken, MJ Jimenez
IEA ECB Annex 58, 2014
Erarbeitung eines Verfahrens zur klimaunabhängigen Ermittlung der energetischen Kennwerte von transparenten Fassaden-und Membrankonstruktionen aus in situ-Messungen
M Kersken
Fraunhofer Verlag, 2018
Kalorimetrieverfahren zur in-situ-Messung des solaren Gesamtenergiedurchlassgrades
M Kersken, H Sinnesbichler
A full-scale empirical validation study applied to thermal simulation programs
P Strachan, J Hand, K Svehla, I Heusler, M Kersken
Building Simulation 2015 Conference, Hyderabad, India, 2015
Simulationsstudie zum Energiesparpotential einer Heizungsregelung mit Abwesenheitserkennung und Wetterprognose
M Kersken, H Sinnesbichler
論文 1–20