Yoshinori Takami
Yoshinori Takami
Verts Animal Hospital
確認したメール アドレス: verts.jp
Plasma biochemical reference values in clinically healthy captive bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) and the effects of sex and season
K Tamukai, Y Takami, Y Akabane, Y Kanazawa, Y Une
Veterinary clinical pathology 40 (3), 368-373, 2011
First report of ophidiomycosis in Asia caused by Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola in captive snakes in Japan
Y Takami, KO Nam, Y Takaki, S Kadekaru, C Hemmi, T Hosoya, Y Une
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 83 (8), 1234-1239, 2021
Molecular identification of Cryptosporidium isolates from ill exotic pet animals in Japan including a new subtype in Cryptosporidium fayeri
Y Takaki, Y Takami, T Watanabe, T Nakaya, F Murakoshi
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports 21, 100430, 2020
Blood clinical biochemistry and packed cell volume of the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)
Y Takami, Y Une
Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, 2017
A retrospective study of diseases in Ambystoma mexicanum: a report of 97 cases
Y Takami, Y Une
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 79 (6), 1068-1071, 2017
Establishment of serological test to detect antibody against ferret coronavirus
S Minami, Y Terada, H Shimoda, M Takizawa, M Onuma, A Ota, Y Ota, ...
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 78 (6), 1013-1017, 2016
Single-incision, prefemoral bilateral oophorosalpingectomy without coelioscopy in an Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) with follicular stasis
Y Takami
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 79 (10), 1675-1677, 2017
Myxoma of the penis in an African pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris).
Y Takami, N Yasuda, Y Une
J Vet Med Sci., 2016
Survey of tortoises with urolithiasis in Japan
Y Takami, H Koieyama, N Sasaki, T Iwai, Y Takaki, T Watanabe, Y Miwa
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 83 (3), 435-440, 2021
First report of emerging snake fungal disease caused by Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola from Asia in imported captive snakes in Japan
Y Takami, Y Une, I Mitsui, C Hemmi, Y Takaki, T Hosoya, KO Nam
bioRxiv, 2020.09. 03.281154, 2020
Tongue worm (subclass: Pentastomida) infection and treatment in two domesticated reptiles–a case report
Y Takaki, T Irie, Y Takami, M Asakawa, A Yoshida
Parasitology International 91, 102617, 2022
First demonstration of Strongyloides parasite from an imported pet meerkat–Possibly a novel species in the stercoralis/procyonis group
Y Takaki, S Kadekaru, Y Takami, A Yoshida, H Maruyama, Y Une, ...
Parasitology International 84, 102399, 2021
Buoyancy disorders in pet axolotls Ambystoma mexicanum: three cases
Y Takami, Y Une
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 0
Colostomies for two lizards with cloacal prolapse
Y Takami, Y Une
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 24-0437, 2025
Removal of pseudo-odontomas via lateral maxillotomy in three richardson's ground squirrels (urocitellus richardsonii)
Y Takami, Y Une
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 53 (3), 600-604, 2022
Strongyloidiasis in recently arrived captive-bred meerkats imported to Japan
E Nagayasu, Y Takaki, Y Takami, A Yoshida, Y Une, H Maruyama
Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 40, 10-11, 2022
An investigation of the detection method and treatment of cryptosporidiosis in four-toed hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris).
Y Takaki, F Murakoshi, T Watanabe, T Nakaya, Y Takami
論文 1–17