S. Utyuzhnikov
Cited by
Cited by
A robust formulation of the v2− f model
DR Laurence, JC Uribe, SV Utyuzhnikov
Flow, turbulence and combustion 73 (3), 169-185, 2005
Directed search domain: a method for even generation of the Pareto frontier in multiobjective optimization
T Erfani, SV Utyuzhnikov
Engineering Optimization 43 (5), 467-484, 2011
Stabilization of a hypersonic boundary layer using a wavy surface
D Bountin, T Chimitov, A Maslov, A Novikov, I Egorov, A Fedorov, ...
AIAA journal 51 (5), 1203-1210, 2013
A method for generating a well-distributed Pareto set in nonlinear multiobjective optimization
SV Utyuzhnikov, P Fantini, MD Guenov
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 223 (2), 820-841, 2009
Proper orthogonal decomposition and dynamic mode decomposition of jet in channel crossflow
Z Wu, D Laurence, S Utyuzhnikov, I Afgan
Nuclear Engineering and Design 344, 54-68, 2019
Construction and comparison of parallel implicit kinetic solvers in three spatial dimensions
V Titarev, M Dumbser, S Utyuzhnikov
Journal of Computational Physics 256, 17-33, 2014
Optimisation of multiple encapsulated electrode plasma actuator
R Erfani, T Erfani, SV Utyuzhnikov, K Kontis
Aerospace Science and Technology 26 (1), 120-127, 2013
Robin-type wall functions and their numerical implementation
SV Utyuzhnikov
Applied Numerical Mathematics 58 (10), 1521-1533, 2008
Generalized Calderón–Ryaben'kii's potentials
SV Utyuzhnikov
IMA journal of applied mathematics 74 (1), 128-148, 2009
Generalized wall functions and their application for simulation of turbulent flows
SV Utyuzhnikov
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 47 (10‐11), 1323-1328, 2005
Variational method for untangling and optimization of spatial meshes
VA Garanzha, LN Kudryavtseva, SV Utyuzhnikov
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 269, 24-41, 2014
Inverse source problem and active shielding for composite domains
VS Ryaben’kii, SV Tsynkov, SV Utyuzhnikov
Applied Mathematics Letters 20 (5), 511-515, 2007
Effect of bulk viscosity in supersonic flow past spacecraft
AV Chikitkin, BV Rogov, GA Tirsky, SV Utyuzhnikov
Applied Numerical Mathematics 93, 47-60, 2015
Application of compact difference schemes to investigation of unstationary gas flows
IF Muzafarov, SV Utyuzhnikov
Matematicheskoe modelirovanie 5 (3), 74-83, 1993
Control of robust design in multiobjective optimization under uncertainties
T Erfani, SV Utyuzhnikov
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 45, 247-256, 2012
Experimental validation of the active noise control methodology based on difference potentials
H Lim, SV Utyuzhnikov, YW Lam, A Turan, MR Avis, VS Ryaben'Kii, ...
AIAA journal 47 (4), 874-884, 2009
The method of boundary condition transfer in application to modeling near-wall turbulent flows
SV Utyuzhnikov
Computers & fluids 35 (10), 1193-1204, 2006
Some new approaches to building and implementation of wall-functions for modeling of near-wall turbulent flows
SV Utyuzhnikov
Computers & fluids 34 (7), 771-784, 2005
Receptivity of a high-speed boundary layer to temperature spottiness
AV Fedorov, AA Ryzhov, VG Soudakov, SV Utyuzhnikov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 722, 533-553, 2013
Domain decomposition for near-wall turbulent flows
SV Utyuzhnikov
Computers & fluids 38 (9), 1710-1717, 2009
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Articles 1–20