Vivian C Paulun
Vivian C Paulun
Postdoctoral fellow, MIT: Brain and Cognitive Sciences & McGovern Institute
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Shape, motion, and optical cues to stiffness of elastic objects
VC Paulun, F Schmidt, JJR van Assen, RW Fleming
Journal of vision 17 (1), 20-20, 2017
Seeing liquids from static snapshots
VC Paulun, T Kawabe, S Nishida, RW Fleming
Vision research 115, 163-174, 2015
Inferring the stiffness of unfamiliar objects from optical, shape, and motion cues
F Schmidt, VC Paulun, JJR van Assen, RW Fleming
Journal of Vision 17 (3), 18-18, 2017
Effects of material properties and object orientation on precision grip kinematics
VC Paulun, KR Gegenfurtner, MA Goodale, RW Fleming
Experimental brain research 234, 2253-2265, 2016
Predicting precision grip grasp locations on three-dimensional objects
LK Klein, G Maiello, VC Paulun, RW Fleming
PLoS computational biology 16 (8), e1008081, 2020
Grasping objects in immersive Virtual Reality
M Chessa, G Maiello, LK Klein, VC Paulun, F Solari
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 1749-1754, 2019
Integration of prior knowledge during haptic exploration depends on information type
AC Zoeller, A Lezkan, VC Paulun, RW Fleming, K Drewing
Journal of Vision 19 (4), 20-20, 2019
Visual search under scotopic lighting conditions
VC Paulun, AC Schütz, MM Michel, WS Geisler, KR Gegenfurtner
Vision research 113, 155-168, 2015
Center or side: biases in selecting grasp points on small bars
VC Paulun, U Kleinholdermann, KR Gegenfurtner, JBJ Smeets, E Brenner
Experimental brain research 232, 2061-2072, 2014
A tetrachromatic display for the spatiotemporal control of rod and cone stimulation
FS Bayer, VC Paulun, D Weiss, KR Gegenfurtner
Journal of Vision 15 (11), 15-15, 2015
Visually inferring elasticity from the motion trajectory of bouncing cubes
VC Paulun, RW Fleming
Journal of Vision 20 (6), 6-6, 2020
Humans can visually judge grasp quality and refine their judgments through visual and haptic feedback
G Maiello, M Schepko, LK Klein, VC Paulun, RW Fleming
Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, 591898, 2021
The material-weight illusion disappears or inverts in objects made of two materials
VC Paulun, G Buckingham, MA Goodale, RW Fleming
Journal of neurophysiology 121 (3), 996-1010, 2019
The sequential-weight illusion
G Maiello, VC Paulun, LK Klein, RW Fleming
i-Perception 9 (4), 2041669518790275, 2018
Object visibility, not energy expenditure, accounts for spatial biases in human grasp selection
G Maiello, VC Paulun, LK Klein, RW Fleming
i-Perception 10 (1), 2041669519827608, 2019
Distinct neural components of visually guided grasping during planning and execution
LK Klein, G Maiello, K Stubbs, D Proklova, J Chen, VC Paulun, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 43 (49), 8504-8514, 2023
Elements of World Knowledge (EWOK): A cognition-inspired framework for evaluating basic world knowledge in language models
AA Ivanova, A Sathe, B Lipkin, U Kumar, S Radkani, TH Clark, C Kauf, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.09605, 2024
Influence of different types of prior knowledge on haptic exploration of soft objects
AC Zöller, A Lezkan, VC Paulun, RW Fleming, K Drewing
Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications: 11th International …, 2018
Distributed population activity in the macaque inferior temporal cortex but not current deep neural networks predict the ponzo illusion
VC Paulun, K Zheng, K Kar
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 3354-3354, 2022
Material perception for philosophers
JB Ritchie, VC Paulun, KR Storrs, RW Fleming
Philosophy Compass 16 (10), e12777, 2021
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Articles 1–20