Dr. Kabo Diraditsile, PhD
Dr. Kabo Diraditsile, PhD
Botswana Open University
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Cited by
Challenges to social policies: A critical analysis of youth intervention programmes in Botswana
K Diraditsile
Asian Journal of Social Science Studies 2 (1), 74, 2016
Lived experiences and consequences of unemployment on women: An empirical study of unemployed young women in Mahalapye, Botswana
K Diraditsile, MA Ontetse
Journal of international Women's Studies 18 (4), 131-143, 2017
Life after institutional care: Implications for research and practice
K Diraditsile, M Nyadza
Child & Family Social Work 23 (3), 451-457, 2018
The interface between Botho and social work practice in Botswana: Towards Afrocentric models
JM Rankopo, K Diraditsile
African Journal of Social Work 10 (1), 1-4, 2020
Entrepreneurship as a mechanism for addressing youth unemployment in Botswana: A reality or idealism
K Diraditsile, P Maphula
International Journal of Development and Sustainability 7 (3), 836-847, 2018
Improving youth employment in Botswana: The need for evidence-based policy and programme development
K Nthomang
Mosenodi, https://journals. ub. bw/index. php/mosenodi, 2017
The effect of social media on student engagement and collaboration: The use of Facebook at the University of Botswana
K Diraditsile, GG Samakabadi
University of Botswana, www. ub. ac. bw, 2018
Sexual abuse of children in schools: The need for social work intervention
K Diraditsile
African Journal of Social Work 8 (1), 3-13, 2018
Botswana’s education system: A relative analysis with South Korean education system
AB Malejane, K Diraditsile
Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science 32 (2), 1-8, 2019
Understanding the dynamics of youth development and socio-economic empowerment: A study on social policy and strategic responses for improving youth employment and livelihoods …
K Diraditsile
Doctoral thesis. Waseda University, 2020
Children, substance abuse and the role of social work
K Diraditsile, O Mabote
Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development 31 (1), 17 …, 2019
Substance abuse and mental health effects among the youth in Botswana: Implications for social research
K Diraditsile, K Rasesigo
Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science 24 (2), 1-11, 2018
Alcohol and substance abuse in secondary schools in Botswana: The need for social workers in the school system
K Diraditsile, O Mabote
Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice 8 (2), 90-102, 2017
Accelerating youth empowerment for a sustainable development in Botswana: Assessment of potential, prospects and development
K Diraditsile
Politics and sustainable development in Africa. Centre for Democracy …, 2020
The terrain and prospects for involving youth in social policy decision-making in Africa: Botswana's experience
K Diraditsile, P Maphula, T Setambule
Journal of Social Development in Africa 34 (1), 7-24, 2019
Alleviating poverty among the youth in Botswana: assessment of the potential and prospects of the Youth Development Fund
K Diraditsile
Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 11 (1), 269-277, 2021
Youth Empowerment Programmes in Botswana: Overestimated or Under-researched?
K Diraditsile
Global Social Welfare 8 (2), 159-169, 2021
The nexus between youth empowerment programmes and youth unemployment reduction in Africa: Evidence from Botswana
K Diraditsile
Development Southern Africa 39 (6), 935-946, 2022
Students’ views and experiences on child sexual abuse in Botswana: Implications for educational research and policy implementation’
K Diraditsile, MJ Rankopo
Mosenodi Jounal 21 (2), 66-79, 2018
Perceived effects of prolonged residential care for children: Botswana experience
K Diraditsile, IG Mmeanyana
African Journal of Social Work 9 (2), 59-66, 2019
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Articles 1–20